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Racial Abuse?

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anotheoldgit | 12:40 Sun 08th May 2011 | News
157 Answers

An inappropriate remark, but 'Racial Abuse'? I don't really think so.

We do not know what prompted this elderly gentleman to make this remark, but we do know he could have worded it better.

A small proportion of children (from whatever tribe) behave badly in supermarkets and other establishments, without any redress from their parents.

Surely if Ms Husain had a grievance with the 'elderly gentleman' she could have taken it up with him personally, without the need to play the 'Race Card', involve the supermarket's manager or posting it on Twitter?


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Totally agree with you, AOG. This woman was told to control her children, who were obviously playing up, she didn't like being told what to do... So pulled out the "racist" card. Going to the store manager is just pathetic. If you have an issue with someone, just confront them there and then. The store manager can't do anything about what one shopper says to...
13:01 Sun 08th May 2011
-- answer removed -- are, of course, entitled to your opinion.
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I had already said "An inappropriate remark", "but we do know he could have worded it better"

But let's look at the offensive remark?

'Your tribe need to behave like proper English children'

We have already established that lots of ABers refer to their children and others as 'the tribe' so we can rule out that part.

So we are left with 'behave like proper English children'

What he construes as 'proper English children' we will never know, but he could hold a preconceived idea of how English children behave, and anyone not behaving like that were not in his mind 'proper'.

So maybe he thought because they were behaving badly they were not behaving like 'proper English children'?

It's just a thought, but I still maintain that accusing him of 'Racial Abuse' is a little over the top.

Taking this scenario, 3 overweight white kids are running about causing trouble in a supermarket.

A black person yells out to their parent, "can't you keep those 'Fat Kids' of yours under control"?

Would this be 'racial abuse', 'Fatism' or just giving the parent a ticking off, (perhaps a little offensive no doubt), but a ticking off for their kids no less?
lol, no, Supa. It's a contraction of Arthur
-- answer removed --
We have already established that lots of ABers refer to their children and others as 'the tribe' so we can rule out that part.

don't be stupid, if you take out parts of what was said, i could make JTH sound homophobic For Funks Sake.
What he construes as 'proper English children' we will never know,

no, you never will. Yet you go to great lenghs defending him. WHY?
-- answer removed --
4) tick
8) tick
What about 9), Trime: Fester away thinking about what hatred to spout forth in the next thread.
Perhaps these are "proper English children"...,r:13,s:0
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/// It could've gotten physical, and then God only knows what the outcome would be! ///

What like that person who got stabbed in a supermarket queue.
maybe abuse is perhaps too strong a word - but it was definitely an innapropriate, racist and insulting comment and he should not have said it, and deserved to be challenged on it...
joko, what happened to the wedding?
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/// More seriously, though, aog, I have a certain amount of admiration for you. I don't think I could manage being so obsessed and full of hatred all the time. How do you do it? ///

Where tell me where is the hatred in my question?

Since by this very post of yours, you yourself has proven without doubt, that you can well manage to be 'obsessed and full of hatred'
I said 'all of the time', which should be inferred, by an intelligent person, as not pertaining to just one thread.
As regards: <Since by this very post of yours, you yourself has proven without doubt, that you can well manage to be 'obsessed and full of hatred'>
If making fewer than 5 posts, relating to one subject, means being obsessed, then yes, I must be.
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/// no, you never will. Yet you go to great lenghs defending him. WHY? ///

It is called taking into account both sides of the argument, not condemning a person out of hand before you know the full facts.

That is called emotional mob rule.

Incidentally being abusive and using expletives, doesn't give any more strength to your argument, on the contrary, it just shows you up for what you are.
Sorry, real life intruded for a while.

<<1) I know that you were referring to a group of people and we both know that you were including me >> Not exclusively so.
<<2)I always thought that chaps meant blokes, but didn't realise that lesbian chaps were still referred to as chaps.>> I think you have confused yourself; I meant men and believed that that would be obvious; I think you'll find that you are the only confused on this matter.
<<3) I have no idea how many middle aged lesbians are on this sight, but yes you are the main protagonist. >> The word is 'site', and I agree that whilst I did not specifically say so, the *here* I meant was on this I'll be in a group of 'one', there, then.
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Well once again over 100 replies not bad for saying that I bore some of you.

You know you love me posting these type of questions judging by your impulsive enthusiasm in answering them.

But what's the betting that once again ED will put a block on this thread and then remove it, not for the racial content I add, but because of your repetitive and boring 'I hate AOG' replies.

He's warned you before, but you will never learn.
He's warned you, too, POF...........

There's no fool like an old fool...

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