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How can "care" assistance be so cruel?

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R1Geezer | 16:21 Wed 01st Jun 2011 | News
61 Answers
.. to vulnerable people, these animals must be a collection of the most sadistic bullies, savages of the highest order. Will they end up in jail? or, more likely some sort of soft option, disgusting creatures.


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Watching the news on care for the elderly and the disadvantaged, I wonder how we separate ourselves from atrocities in the rest of the world. We clearly are no better.
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that's why I put "Care" in quotes, welshlib, they could not be further from carers.
this really concerns and sickens me, one day when i am no longer alive my eldest child may require care assisstance as she on the autistic spectrum, i fear for her when i hear of these stories. i need to know she will be safe and happy not feeling full of confidence right now.
Yes RATTER, very true, the problem comes from when the government forced Council run homes to close in favour of private ones!...........they need to make a profit, and so there is the problem, they often employ people who are not suitable, but they don't care!........just want the profits!............but, there will always a few folk like you, thank god!......working in these places, who do really 'care'....makes life hard for the residents and the carers like you!........sorry to go on!.....warned you not to get me started!..........could see years ago the way things would go!......sadly, I was right!..........All about money!............
They are the same type of people who would physically abuse children or animals. Its considered a sign of being a psycopath.
very near the mark Teddy-boy, very sad!......bullies!......going nowhere in the world, but in this scenario they have authority!.............that's the way it is!.....still very sad!...
they dont deserve the air that they breathe, nor the tax payers money for there time inside, thats if they get time inside and not just a limp tap on the wrist
It is frightening. I hope if I have ever got to go into a home I go in one with RATTER-type people in charge.
I hope they go down for a long time, and are never allowed to work with vulnerable folk ever again!..............Hope they have a very, very miserable life form now on!........
Interesting point, Teddy. My husband once delivered a lorryload of goods to Rampton Hospital. At one point a bunch of inmates started being difficult and ended up trying to turn the lorry over - and yes, it was rocking hard. Even so, the staff treated every one of them with the respect and dignity a human being deserves. Rampton. Where they sent the so-called 'psychos'. Ironic, really.
Starbuck!........I know!.............I am getting older, as we all are!........Would rather die than end up somewhere like that!.............Think my kids like me a bit, so maybe I'll be ok!........but worry about the folk who have nobody to care for them, they are the ones that get the worst treatment!........nobody there for them!.......worries me!.......
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the other disturbing thing was that the whistle blower reported it countless times and no one reacted.
Sexy-Jag, I thought Rampton had closed in the 80s with all the other mental institutions, Rampton in the 80s had a dreadful reputation of beatings and torture.

Fortunately these places are extremely few and far between of that I am sure.

CQC came in for a fair hammering as well and quite right, I have had CQC in to our homes on occasions doing there inspections, they really leave no stone unturned, however this place really did slip through the net. The problem is, QCQ can only report on what they see on the day, im sure these staff behaved impeccably in the presence of these inspectors.
ratter and I watched the program this morning and I could see how this was so distressing and depressing to him and making him angry at the scum who were mistreating these most vulnerable people, who had no way of understanding why this was happening to them. It brought tears to my eyes watching those poor people, who should have been treated with respect, proper care and consideration, guidance, support and love, being bullied and yes ... tortured! I would like to see the scum bags put in jail for a very long time and treated just as they treated these poor patients! These parents must have also been going through absolutel hell watching this film and my heart goes out to them and to their loved ones who were treated so disgustingly! I am so proud of my ratter, because he truly does care first and foremost for his residents and has put his job on the line several times as a whistleblower. It has at times made our lives very stressful, while investigations were ongoing for months and months, but it was all worth it in the end and I will always support him when he decides this is what he needs to do to protect his residents. Although he gets little thanks for this from others, he makes me so proud to be his partner.
yes R1, probably the most worrying thing, these people are supposed to be there to keep an eye on things, yet they did nothing!..........not very reassuring!......They are looking so bad, and rightly so!..............hope they change their ways now! sad that the folk without a voice are just swept under the carpet, it needs to change, and soon!..............
starbuckone i hope there are a million ratters if my daughter needs the care.but i will do the caring while i have breath in my body, just takes your confidence away in these services and its a case of the minority of the bad tarnishing it for the majority of the good
Well said carakeel. He is one in a million.
Ratter, this was in the late 1970s/early 1980s, so would have been just before it closed. He went there on a number of occasions and certainly didn't witness any disrespect or ill-treatment whilst he was there. Perhaps the very fact that it was about to close was significant at that point.
Carakeel, I can tell that RATTER is a fantastic carer, shame that they are not all like him!.........if there were, all would well!.............
I so understand where you are coming from coli. I care for my 94 yr old mother, who has dementia. There is no way I will put her in a home.

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