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Is this the thin end of the wedge?

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anotheoldgit | 11:03 Thu 30th Jun 2011 | News
50 Answers

So one council is considering banning smoking in all public places, is this one more measure to control our freedom of choice?

I am not a smoker myself but I find it rather strange that a ban such as this can be placed on an act that is not in itself illegal.

/// Stony Stratford Councillor Paul Bartlett, who is leading the campaign, said: "When you walk through the high street in any town, smoke is in your face and harming you and any children there. ///

If this is so, why is Councillor Bartlett also not leading a campaign to ban the internal combustion engine from the high street, after all isn't that the largest pollutant on our streets?

Councillor Bartlett also stated:

/// "Smokers then get their butt, which is full of saliva, and chuck it on the floor. It costs millions to clear street rubbish.” ///

There is already anti-litter laws in force which covers all forms of litter, cigarette buts are the least form of litter.

As regards the amount of germ carrying saliva they contain, shouldn't the filthy habits of spitting and also the spitting out chewing gum, be of more concern?


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i would (ban garlic),

the 'foodstuff' of the devil......

why not consider using quality ingredients in your food and those that havent already gone off....

you wouldnt need to obliterate the natural taste with such a malodourous condiment....and also wouldnt stink to high heaven yourself
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/// here here
smoke free in 5 generations, could you imagine?, is it worth pissing some people off - YEP! ///

Tut,tut, language, it's no use you siding up with the spare Ed as you did earlier, he will still remove your posts, if found necessary.
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bazwillrun Good post, regarding the quick dispersal of smoke upwards in the air.

Same could be said for pubs etc, don't they mostly have air conditioning these days?
And why can't I sit in the corner of the pub, merrily bashing away(on my drum kit) without getting done for noise pollution. It ain't right I tell you.
Consuming cigarettes is legal in much the same way as alcohol.

However, many of our town centres already have in place bans on consuming it in public.
Drinking is banned in town centres as it tends to lead to violence and menacing behaviour, puffing on fags on the other hand does not. If smoking was eventually killed off, I wonder where the government will look to get all that tax back? Puff away I say.
"If smoking was eventually killed off, I wonder where the government will look to get all that tax back?"

they will use the current capture all "Green Taxes" that covers just about anything they want it to.
//Sexual intercourse between consenting adults is still legal, but is not recommended in the bus queue.//

Lol McMouse - managed it once in the taxi queue in front of the Savoy once. The gf was weaing a long fur coat...
and she wasn't a sheep before anyone jumps on that one.......
Ankou >> "Where are all the people who insisted that smoking had to be banned inside?"

working happily behind the bar or waiting on tables in the restaurant <<

an empty bar and empty tables if they are all outside

more pubs shuting now than in the thirties

wonder how many of the people on here who have a dig at smokers drive the kids to school or drive to the shops when they could have a nice 5 minute walk
i dunno, i walk to the village shops but drive to work. does that remove my right to an opinion ?
how on earth did bazwillrun turn this into a rant about civil servants?

The story is about elected politicians, responsible to the voting public.
We have five coffee shops in our village with outside seating on the pavement. It used to be nice seeing a friend or acquaintance sitting there and joining them for a coffee. These tables are now taken up by smokers and passing pedestrians have to run the gauntlet of passive smoking. I have respiratory problems and just one whiff of smoke sends me into a coughing fit. The sooner public smoking is banned the better.
the smell of coffee makes me sick so the sooner they ban coffee the better
if you want to drink this awful smelly stuff drink it inside
rojash >these were invariably almost empty.
So what I'd like to know is:
Where are all the people who insisted that smoking had to be <<

>>"Where are all the people who insisted that smoking had to be banned inside?"

working happily behind the bar or waiting on tables in the restaurant, <<

sorry ankou miss understood you, you mean waiting for someone
to come and sit at the empty table not waitng on tables

the non smokers will soon pack the pubs out
"the non smokers will soon pack the pubs out"

they do where i live, standing room only.
pity they don't in the rest of the country were the pubs are shutting down in record numbers

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Is this the thin end of the wedge?

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