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United states of Europe one step closer?

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venator | 20:24 Wed 20th Jul 2011 | News
22 Answers
There are growing calls from Brussels for a fiscal union as the only way of saving the Euro. All Governments would surrender their taxation and budgetary powers to Brussels.


Napoleon and Hitler tried and failed - perhaps the faceless unelected men may succeed.

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"



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one link is not the same as 'growing calls'
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Baffin Advisors is a company in New York - I wouldn't say they may be best placed to talk about matters in Europe.
So you think that this euro scare is being engineered to keep everyone in the EU. I only hope that we keep out.
Wait to the Itai-s gu under to be followed by the folk south of France on the Inerian peninsula, all 3 countries, and what about the colony?
go not gu
A 'United States of Europe' doesn't go far enough for me. We should totally abolish all existing national governments, and create a SINGLE European country, as soon as possible.
We should either get in or get out. Sitting on the fence must have done damage to their bodies with spikes continually up their rrses.
That was a method of torture under Ghenghis Khan, rov...
Buenchico - how about joining Nafta as the eastern intersection into North America....

I would love to see the economics being the portal for that......Raised it with George Young (and Younger in private) but they couldn't answer....I still think it would be an interesting option......
who or what are making these 'growing calls' and what is the source?
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In the late 1930s, Europe was in a mess. Nobody could see any solution to the problem. Then a strong man emerged who could sort it all out. OK, he wanted to enlarge his territory a bit, but nobody really cared.

There were a few people who warned it was getting out of hand, but nobody listened...

Sound familiar?
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Wait & see, chaps - wait & see
Venator, i can see your point, i said something similar before, not on here mind, and got called a Europhobe and worse, good luck.
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carmalee - here are some links. The people who are pushing hardest won't publish their plans - why scare the sheep?

Before the collapse of the Euro in some of the countries within the EU people have been calling for a European superstate.

The Pro's and Con's for both would take far too long to list and discuss, suffice to say that the best we can do in my humble opinion is to use the stretch of water that has been blessed on us by nature and sever all ties with the EU before it is to late. Brussels and the other faceless rule makers have shackled us for far to long.

This is purely my opinion and I would be interested to see other people's views on it, and also on venator's original post. No doubt we will be shot down as Euro sceptic's and belittled for being unable to see past our own little world..
Well we have two governments at the moment, one in Europe and one here. We pay billions to Europe for the politicians there, who then tell us what to do. We also pay for our politicians in the UK, who make policies and then are told my Europe we cannot do it. It is a nightmare and we should get out. On no account should we surrender anything else over to Europe.
the broad principle of a european union is ok...

the pathetic folly of a single european currency linking member states with totally different economic situations is and never will be ok...

i am not a fiscal genious but who thought that the euro as a general currency would work?

the bank note is only part of the whole eu thing so just abolish it and revert back to individual currencies......and move forward!

if 100 euros currently buys say twice as many apples in greece than in germany then who cares and for whose benefit is it?

if an economy is weak then there is underlying good reason for that.....this eurobank manipulation will end with the healthier economies being dragged down to the levels of the open-palm countries

we might be complaining now but if bliar had managed to get us to join the euro currency club..................?
Why would you want to save a failed experiment from its natural end?

Sensible talk should be of abandoning the Euro, or at the very least removing the economies that it clearly doesn't suit. If this last period hasn't convinced supporters of it's danger then I guess nothing will. I'd have hoped they'd have the sense to see it is one step further away.
A single currency only works in a single nation.

Whilst we all consider ourselves different separate sovereign nations a common currency can not do more than create a "one size fits few" straightjacket. At "best" some central control effectively takes the financial decisions for the area and thus each nation loses a little sovereignty: unless individual nations wish to ignore the instructions, and get themselves into difficulties.

Unless we are all prepared to lose our national identities and consider ourselves primarily European, then we are all better off out of it. A trade agreement is one thing, but there has been no vote on Union here at all so trying to force evolution into one is fraught with danger.

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