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To be in, or not to be in?

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anotheoldgit | 14:58 Thu 10th Nov 2011 | News
46 Answers

Given the choice of staying in the EU, and consequently having to join the Euro area, or coming out of the EU altogether, what should we do?


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This is really quite a conspiracy theory you're building

But then there's a theme here isn't there?

Politicians who disagree with your Euro-Skeptism are corrupt and in it for kick-backs

Scientists who disagree with your global warming-skeptism are corrupt and in it for the kick backs.

It seems that rather than believe that anybody might sincerely hold an opinion contrary to yours you assume that they must be on the fiddle

It's begining to look slightly psychotic from here
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/// It seems that rather than believe that anybody might sincerely hold an opinion contrary to yours you assume that they must be on the fiddle ///

We are not accusing you of being on the fiddle JTP, just of being naive.
Jake - what's the Europhile answer to my earlier post about joining the undemocratic, profligate and very expensive EU club? Would you join if we weren't already in it?

Would you like to have joined the Euro too?
Hasn't it gone quiet?
out out out, and ney ney, rather sounds like frankie howerd, but i say thrice nay
We need out and no in twenty odd languages...
Let's get this straight once & for all ''This sceptred isle'' is the United Kingdom it is NOT part of Europe & never has been. Let us tell Barroso & anyone else who sticks their oar in to get well & truly stuffed, & to prove that we mean business close the doors at our end of the channel tunnel & hide the key. We managed for years & years without having to rely on what some clown in Europe thought we should do & believe me we can do it again. Way back in time the French thought they could have their way with us & came unstuck then the Germans tried it & lost twice now it would appear that they have both managed via the back door & I for one have had enough.

W Ron.
NOT part of Europe & never has been

Geology says otherwise. The first people here came on foot.
Spot on whiskery! Scramble the Spitfires! Bombs over Brussels!

They're doing with a fountain pen what they couldn't do with tanks & guns, and as last time, we're blindly walking into it unprepared.

W Ron.
yes we were, W Ron. Britain was part of mainland Europe till about 6500BC, millions of years after the continents formed. Iit was finally cut off when the ice melted at the end of the ice age and rose enough to flood the land bridge to Belgium/Holland. Land on both sides is still low-lying. No volcanoes necessary (thank goodness). Before that you could have walked from Land's End to Vladivostok.
but we aren't now, nor have we been all those long years, and as a eurosceptic, can see the unravelling of the whole euro/eurozone ideology
if it doesn't happen now, then it will some time in the near future.
My view is that we should leave the EU as quickly as possible.
Out now. We still use sterling, however I don't know all the implications of leaving. What are the pros and cons. Can someone tell me why we are at risk of war with other nations if we do. And why are Cameron and Clegg still wanting to stay in what are their reasons for not giving us a referendum. I hate that sneering French President.
I don't think I ever said scientists were on the take, jake. Nor did I suggest that politicians are on the fiddle. They just know where their best interests lie, and those interests do not coincide with those of the UK electorate.
Cameron needs to get some backbone, and tell the EU loving LibDems what they can do with their German sausages.

In a snap election, the libDems would sink out of sight, and the Labour Party would have to run with sulky little Millipede.

The Tories could run on their economic resolve, which is looking good now, and on renegotiating the treaty, so as to be a trading partner, but nothing more.

I'd vote for them, although I'm not a natural supporter of any of them.

What are the chances? - not a lot?
The arguments in favour of the EU aren't "sexy" like the arguments to leave - "good old Britain, standing alone etc etc etc" "let's keep our British (imported from Venezuela) bananas curved, "let's keep the pound", "sceptic, sorry sceptred isle" blah blah blah.
And the arguments in favour of the EU are dull, dull, dull, and of course it's political suicide for all these corrupt politicians to talk up the currently beleaguered Euro.
Do we really want to push Europe away while embracing corrupt Russian state conglomerates in our increasingly degenerate stock exchange?
But give me "dull" :-)
ickeria, in case you didn't notice, they went to china cap in hand for money, can you imagine that, a communist state propping up the west, and the EU isn't dull, it's treacherous, for all concerned.
"Cameron and Clegg still wanting to stay in what are their reasons for not giving us a referendum"

No politician will give a referendum unless they are sure they will get the answer they want, in this case they know that the majority of people in this country will vote to get out of the EU and its desire for a superstatedictatorship.

Plus they both see a future for themselves in EU gravytrain and their strings are pulled by outside influence
Wasn't is Barasso who said the United Kingdom cannot be considered european as they are an island.

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