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No wonder our hospitals are struggling

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VHG | 12:55 Fri 11th Nov 2011 | News
39 Answers
Believe it or not this woman worked as a NURSE.

Hope I am never in hospital with a nurse lke her.


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^^^ Agree 100%. Nurses are overworked, underpaid, and in a very stressful job.
Yes, so go home and force feed your baby...
VHG, did she force feed patients?
She was one nurse out of the thousands who do great work. And I've a suspicion that she may not have intended any harm to her child.
you can't judge an organisation on an aberant one
I actually think you're right, Sandy. she said that's how they did it wherever she was from.. some African country.

but common sense would tell most people otherwise..
A crime, but one of omission not commission.
no we dont judge our NHS by some witch doctor state
I don't think she intended to harm to baby either - quite the opposite - but I don't think it was down to her ethnicity. I think she must have been obsessive to the extent that common sense was no more. Where the baby was concerned, she'd lost all sense of rationale.
I just read Sandy answer on this page....didn't realise it was part of a convo....
I think if we look more closely into the health services in any country we'll see a lot more abuse. Don't think the nurses are all angels. they're not!
Ummmm, :o)

Dolt, I'm very aware of that, but they're not all killers either.
Why is there so many people in the caring professions that are up in court, every day there is a report.......caring my ASS!!!!!!!!. and don't forget about the ones that get away .
Is there a report everyday?
I very seldom see reports of members of the caring professions in court - maybe I should read Nursing Times more often, but I suspect it's the very rarity of this that makes news. I don't think all the problems of the NHS can be dumped on this woman.
Put one of your family in and see what happens. Dont be so innocent it's not all flowers and ice-cream.
I have been to hospital my very own self! I escaped with my life, and my ailments cured, too. And the nurses were just fine.
"...the jug was placed into the girl's mouth to prevent her closing it. Dwomoh told the court she and her siblings had been fed the same way by her mother in Ghana...."

We are not aware of others cultural differences and having them care for our sick is dangerous.

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