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Dont you just love the EU

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VHG | 08:46 Tue 29th May 2012 | News
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sp, a massive black market in cable. That is why thieves have been killed trying to steal it from electricity substations and thieves have been digging up the roads.

I suggest you do some background reading re Romania's role in the EU.
Start here:
And here is report on cable thefts for sp
AB Editor--Don't you know ? The EU is to be blamed for Everything-innit ?
SP there is also a huge demand for scrap metal and the prices are high, that's why they have recently changed the laws for scrap merchants etc.
Are we still allowed to call it the "black" market then? ;-)
"We all wait with bated breath for the next crime to be committed by a black man, where no doubt we will be treated to the yawnsome, "So much for the benefits of immigration" thread, marching towards the News section, with ill-deserved confidence. "

no ones forcing you to read the posts are they ?!
"re we still allowed to call it the "black" market then? ;-) "

SP will be complaing in a minute no doubt !
I had absolutely no idea that scrap metal was so valuable. I remember watching a (very very old) episode of Steptoe & Son which revolved around a story of whether they should take delivery of some 'dodgy lead'.

In the end, I think they bought it, and then it turned out it was from their own roof (it rained at the end of the episode).

I thought we'd gone beyond that!
Don't you read the news, SP? Churches having the lead from the roofs stolen, the railings stolen; telephone exchanges, railway lines, electric substations having cable stolen; manhole covers and drains stolen; supermarket trollies by the van loads gone. Its costing companies hundreds of thousands of pounds.

And don't forget the memorial plaques stolen, causing heartache to many people.
Yes SP you seem uncharacteristically uninformed here!

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