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Poor man .....

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Ann | 14:09 Fri 27th Jul 2012 | News
44 Answers
Just heard about this Olympic high jumper in Team GB Robbie Grabarz - what a case for changing his name by deed poll! Hope he didn't get ribbed at school - bless him. Do you know anyone with an embarrassing name?


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Had an ex mother-in -law called Mary Hinge.
.......and did she? Sorry.
nothing like kenny everitt with 'cupid stunt'
Don't know Duncer, didn't ask :-)
Or Betty Swallocks of course.
....or Chuck Fickens?
I used to know a Michael Barrass. So, you might say, what's funny about that? Well, his usual signature was M. Barrass (and he saw nothing funny in it!)
Iona Smythe (nee Baff) - a good reason for deed poll if ever you needed it :)
there are a few names included in this video
Not particularly embarassing, but I went to school with a Robert Redford. I lost count of the number of times, when asked for his name, the asker would then ask for his real name.

I also went to school with a Michael Michael. Why would a parent do that?
At our high school, in my year, were two best friends - Robin Hood and Richard Burton. In those days, you had to join to visit a night-club, and their evening was cut short when the local club refused them admission for being 'clever'. they had to go back the following night with their birth certificates!

My wife had a child's name down on the autumn admissions list (he didn't come to the school in the end) - and the parents' surname was Carte, which they insisted on pronouncing 'Cart-eyh'. Fair enough, but if you are hung up about your name, why call the child Orson!!!

It's true - I wish it was not true, but it is!!!!
I wonder if Mr and Mrs Head had a son...would they call him Richard?
Bob sleigh.
-- answer removed --
please tell me he is usually called
I know of a car dealership owned by a chap called Richard Lovett, who seems quite happy to be called Dick.
I know of a Richard Slater who, when once referred to as R. Slater, was immediately given the nickname of 'Head-first'!
I knew bulgarian twins called 'yanka' and 'nora' bolokov.
Wayne Kerr ..look it up on google
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Yes sp - I've just read he is gay, even more of an embarrassing name, poor man :)

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Poor man .....

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