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friedgreentomato | 10:40 Mon 15th Oct 2012 | News
32 Answers
one of them health tourists we don't want?


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Why don't you read your own link before trying to cause trouble?

/// 'All expenses including transportation of Malala by specially equipped air ambulance and treatment abroad will be borne by the government of Pakistan.' ///
It does say that "all expenses will be borne by the government of Pakistan"
if that's the case I see no problem with it.
Health tourist maybe, but if we're not paying for it then I don't see the problem. I would not expect any profit to be made though in the circumstances.
why not? at least it gets some of our aid donations back in the UK economy...
(and she should come)
^^^^^ Why? ^^^^^
Hundreds of people have been shot by the Taliban, are you saying we should take them all?
Even if Britain, did pay for it, it would be worth it.

The political and propaganda worth for helping this brave young lady will far outweigh any financial cost.

I'm afraid that whatever point you are attempting to make, unless your being sardonic, is totaly irrelevant.
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I was trying to prove a point - it was meant very tongue in cheek - as those that know me know I do not have an issue.

However, I am not surprised by AOG rather aggressive behaviour!
I hope she fully recovers, and can find some measure of happiness and fulfillment in her life and her families life, going forward, Despite the renewed threat from the Taliban about her and her father and brothers being a target.

Flying her here, or the US come to that for treatment was the right and generous thing to do, even if we had spent our own money to do it....
"However, I am not surprised by AOG rather aggressive behaviour! "

where ? I cant see any

/// I was trying to prove a point - it was meant very tongue in cheek - as those that know me know I do not have an issue. ///

Trying to prove a point eh? and what point was that pray, if as you say "I do not have an issue"?

Regarding your 'tongue in the cheek' reference, why was that if 'You do not have an issue'.

No squirm all you may you deliberately posted this in haste and in a sarcastic fashion aimed at certain individuals. hoping to start trouble.

Your later reference to me was a big give-away, and I can only imagine your response had I had made the same mistake as you have clearly done.
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When it comes to you AOG believe it or not I do not give you that much thought!

You did not even post the original question on health tourist - so why don't you deflate that ego of yours and calm down.
so friedgreen I take it you put your foot in your mouth after shooting it then

Hmmm...'tongue in cheek' eh?

It looks as if AOG very rightly pointed out your error, and I don't think he was being overly aggressive in his response.
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no I shall say again I read the article before i posted - it was meant to be tongue in cheek!!

He found me sarcastic I find him aggressive - so there we go

When in a very deep hole start throwing out abuse.
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It was'nt even aimed at AOG it was aimed at the first person to rant about health tourists!!!!!
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When in a very deep hole start throwing out abuse.

Where am I throwing out abuse Brendan?

/// When it comes to you AOG believe it or not I do not give you that much thought! ///

Apparently you do.

But I am not going to continue with a slanging match with the likes of you.

Enough to say I knew you had made a mistake, you now know that you had, and everyone on this thread knows you had.

End of story, wow! that does go a long way to inflate my ego.
It must be Monday - and it hasn't even reached the 1pm watershed and AOG is in full sail.

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