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bazwillrun | 19:53 Fri 08th Feb 2013 | News
26 Answers

Theres plenty of african countries where he wont be "persecuted" so why come all the way here ?

or dont they have benefits out there ?


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I think that all asylum seekers should only be accepted at the British embassy within their own countries and be processed at that point. Genuine cases would then be sent on. None genuine cases would then be costed to their relevant Government. This would solve the problem of having to apply to the high courts etc to have none genuine cases sent back. It is far too easy to seek asylum here (not that in anyway I am implying this case is not genuine) but genuine or not in other cases it often seems a case of ''ah well your here now you might as well stay'' which puts everyone's back up and genuine cases suffer as a consequence.
Beats me why they aborted the deportation - they had him on the aircraft with plenty of security staff. There are restraint devices available I am sure. He could further his complaint from Cameroon and any further applications for asylum to somewhere else.
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what I can never understand is, why do so many refugees cross through so many liberal european countries who would give all protection for all human rights, go to the extra effort to cross the channel illegally to get to the UK?
I can't see why when they first set foot in the country many are turned around by passport control and take the return flight or boat they arrived on and put the onus of the travel company that brought them here.
that's what happens when they land on the beaches in the Canary Islands, pdq - quick medical check, some food, and back you go.

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