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Any Takers For This Cruise ?

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youngmafbog | 14:04 Wed 27th Feb 2013 | News
35 Answers

Not me, that's for sure.


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yes and get stuck with Mr and Mrs Bucket, pronounced bouquet don't ya know, who just want to tell you about their twenty cruises they have managed to cram into their ever so exciting lives, not really, i would throw them overboard, then get the nearest lifeboat to park me on a desert island.
Me too em

trapped on a floating holiday camp crammed in with a horde of people

our consolation em, is that our favourite deserted beach is that way, because most people just want to gather near the car park/cafe/taverna/club/bar and venture no further.
i have friends and some distant relatives who love all that stuff, karaoke bar, food to make you weep, once your belt, braces have busted, just stuff more down, then stick your head over the side to be sick, to make room for more food, booze. musicians who couldn't make it at the spit and sawdust local pub now have a ready made can't go anywhere audience. Cabins the size of prison cells, without the comforts. I haven't been, won't ever go, but have seen the video's and believe me with over 5,000 souls to cater for, it is more redcoats holiday camp than palm court orchestra and tea with the vicar, and sitting at the captains table, supping Krug champagne.
Em, even the idea of the best type of cruise leaves me cold

I used to work with someone who worked long hours and earned a huge salary and 3 times a year he and his b/f would go on 5star cruise; suite, balcony, hot tub, 24/7 room service etc

Whilst supping oysters and champagne in a hot tub at 3 in the morning, sailing under a starry tropical sky sounds fabulous, i'd still go stir crazy after a day or two.

each to their own
i had enough travelling on the large and very packed ferry taking me from Piraeus to Crete, that was hell on sea..
You sound bitter when it comes to cruising, em weren't on the original lol of course not.

(hides in the engine room)
is that in retaliation for my comment on the other thread, you getting the ladies pissed to make you look good in their eyes, suspect it might be...
not bitter, that is not my style....
I haven't got a DeLorean, em.
that odd car that never made any money for the inventor, not sure understand
It was a time machine in 'Back to the Future'
ah that one...
besides which i wouldn't have survived had i been on the original, seeing as how i would have been poor as a church mouse and been in steerage...
Cruises aren't for me but I'd imagine this would be a sell-out
i reckon you are right...
It's like anything else that starts out as being only available to the rich and classy, as soon as the prices drop and it becomes available to the proles then that's when standards of behaviour drop through the floor and the masses ruin it all.

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