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Not another argument on the karma thing surely ? Those who believe in karma are free to believe what they wish, but I think most folk are more concerned with helping those in need, incuding victims, than trying to justify any argument which pin blame/cause on the victim. Most be a slow news day I guess.
I stand by what I typed I know several elderly men and this is the type of response you would get - along with young girls throwing themselves at famous men!!

Do the men not have a tongue in their head- can they not say no?

But whilst I have not made it personal you have of course yet again made it very personal!
this is the interview with the reporter, he takes him on a tour of the street then into the studio, you can make up your own minds i guess
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/// But whilst I have not made it personal you have of course yet again made it very personal! ///

You made reference to it being a typical response from an older male.

And since I am 'AN OLDER MALE' you did indeed make it personal.

You would do good by considering others before you type.

Take for instance this;

/// Do the men not have a tongue in their head- can they not say no? ///

Being female how can you possibly understand men, their feelings and their desires, just as you would be quick to point out the same regarding females?
Are you saying that mens desires get so strong they cannot say no?

Are you excusing these men?
hold on there, a lifetime of knowledge of people gives me some insight into men and indeed women. I would think that anyone, male or female making the kind of statement he has, and watch the link i posted, is making excuses for some rather reprehensible behaviour. What he has said is that we should be all forgiving of these peccadilloes, that men have been caught in situations with very young girls, where no ages were discussed, so they could have been well and truly under age..
I don't think he should be making these kind of statements, and going on the last time he was interviewed, being rather boastful of his 1000 or more women conquests, perhaps it's time he stayed silent.
perhaps he is preparing the ground for when he gets arested?
that's a thought.. ^
"perhaps he is preparing the ground for when he gets arested?"

That's exactly what I said this morning, when I heard it on the radio!
Reminiscent of the Glenn Hoddle controversy, when he said words to the effect that the disabled were being punished for sins committed in previous lives.

What an idiot. People who believe this sort of bullcrap really need to avoid doing interviews, stay off Twitter, and just generally learn to keep their opinions to themselves for their own good.
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/// perhaps he is preparing the ground for when he gets arested? ///

Perhaps one should be careful of what one puts, especially on such internet sites as this.
lol that was being careful aog!
What can you expect from a bloke who puts a long white dress on, calls himself a Druid and goes out to worship at Stonehenge. Must be mad to start with.

And since I am 'AN OLDER MALE' you did indeed make it personal.

Interesting response.

So you know when you made the comment about tourists robbing and raping 'their own' yesterday, did you not consider that to be a personal remark?
And can I just bring something into perspective...

If a 14 year old girl 'tries it on' with an older fella, he should know better!!!

It doesn't matter a jot if she climbed over his garden wall and slung herself into his bed...she is a child, and he is (or at least, should be) the responsible adult.

Anything else than that is an equivocation of extreme proportions.

And to the men who think that it's a grey area - would you think the same if it were a 14 year old lad, who looks older than his age, having consensual sex with a man in his 50s?

The 'power' in any form of adult/child sexual relationship is always with the adult.

\\\If a 14 year old girl 'tries it on' with an older fella, he should know better!!!

It doesn't matter a jot if she climbed over his garden wall and slung herself into his bed...she is a child, and he is (or at least, should be) the responsible adult. \\

Indeed....IF you knew that she was 14 years old.......and there is the "rub."
It MIGHT be obvious or it may well not be.

If there was doubt, then you should not proceed, but have you seen how 14 year old girls are made up to look older.......INDEED have you seen how 12 year old girls can be indistinguishable from 16 year olds.
I think everything that William Roach said is dreadful and inexcuseable but it is a fact that I can look 20 years old if I so choose. I have been to a lot of rock festivals as both my German step father and my boyfriend are both in bands and have seen with my own eyes girls who could have been 12 or could have been 25 going to a lot of trouble to get into the VIP area with only one thing in mind which is to sleep with someone in one of the bands who are playing. Lots of the men are old enough to be their fathers, but it is a status thing for some girls to sleep with band members. Sexual abuse is a terrible thing but in my opinion it's not sexual abuse if the girl instigates it and lies about their age. Rape and forced or coerced sex is another thing altogether and is horrible and those responsible should be punished severely but not all girls my age are sweet little lillies being devoured by big grim monsters, sometimes it's the other way around.
Hang on. Still grappling with saying something is typical of a group is a personal attack on any given individual in that group. So if someone says a foolish or bigoted remark is typically British or typical of a Briton, can I complain that's an attack on me personally, thereby ignoring the fact that typical does not mean 'true of all' or 'universal' ? A typical Briton is not every Briton. That's a peculiarly daft complaint, and conceited.

Roache has apologised in typical style, as suggested by all PR men, by saying that he apologises if his words were understood to mean something bad for his mage (or words meaning that, if not saying so literally ).
whilst what you say is true, there has to be a lot of hands off, now some of the truth is coming out about the blokes who liked to cavort with pretty little girls, some young enough to be their daughters. had they thought at the time, you know what she is too young, and what if it was my daughter with a bloke my age, then maybe more young kids wouldn't have got into so much bother.
Sidebar: as misguided and foolish as I think he has been in making these comments, I have to say...William Roache looks bloody amazing for 80 years old.

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