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North Korea's Crazy Aspirations

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naomi24 | 19:07 Fri 05th Apr 2013 | News
42 Answers
North Korea is now telling Britain to consider evacuating Pyongyang embassy. At the end of it all, what is it hoping to achieve?


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Gromit -

Big bad Israel threatening its neighbours eh? No mention of the mad-man next door attempting to manufacture nuclear weapons with which he can and will threaten his immediate and distant neighbours. Of course, they're not a problem. Only Israel is a problem.

Your hatred of the State of Israel is clear. As is the inaccuracy and inappropriateness of your comparison of them with North Korea.
Building a state by importing people from across the world to come live on land that already belongs to someone else is always going to cause problems - whoever is doing it

BTW Ahmadinajad never said he wanted to wipe out Israel; that was a (probably mischievous) mistranslation
He said he wanted to wipe out Zionism; something a lot of people would agree with including quite a few Jews
Zeuhl - “... [Ahmadinajad] said he wanted to wipe out Zionism; something a lot of people would agree with including quite a few Jews...”

Complete sophistry with a side order of semantics.

The elimination of the state of Israel is what Ahmadinajad and others are talking about. They're merely couching it in language that sounds less bloodthirsty than 'genocide' but the ultimate goal is entirely the same. As for “... quite a few Jews...” wanting to wipe out Zionism, please expand.
birdie1971, you are wasting your time trying to reason with rabid anti-Israelis.
These people cannot bear to think that a few Jews returned to their country, and in a relatively few years, transformed much of it from a dusty wilderness into a modern, democratic country. A country that is a leader in medical breakthroughs, agriculture and science. In contrast to their neighbouring countries which are leading exponents of hatred, war and death: sort of like North Korea.
birdie and raleigh

/As for “... quite a few Jews...” wanting to wipe out Zionism, please expand./

There is no shortage of information on the internet when you google 'jews against zionism'

/a few Jews returned to their country/

How dishonest of you!

Please explain how millions of ethnic Russians, Poles etc and millions of Americans; most with little or no ethnic connection with the Middle East equates to people 'returning'

/transformed much of it/

Indeed they have achieved a lot, albeit with massive financial support from the USA and elsewhere - advantages denied their 'neighbours' on such a massive scale

But improvements aren't really a valid excuse for occupying someone elses's property is it.

Perhaps Birdy and Raleigh can clarify whether, finding that Squatters had occupied their homes, the news that they had relaid the lawn and put in a new kitchen would make them feel better about having their homes stolen
Zeuhl - “... Perhaps Birdy and Raleigh can clarify whether, finding that Squatters had occupied their homes, the news that they had relaid the lawn and put in a new kitchen would make them feel better about having their homes stolen...”

Your above analogy is effectively worthless – it being a colossal oversimplification of the reality of the situation. It really doesn't merit comment over and above that.

I despair at the the way that the state of Israel and its people are portrayed in the western press as war-mongers and belligerents. The truth is much more complex. I'm not particularly pro-Israel but it angers me greatly when poorly informed people and the biased left-wing media paint them as the 'bad guys' whilst almost completely ignoring the rockets and bombs being hurled at them by the very people being portrayed as the victims. What really gets my goat though is the overtly anti-semitic television that is broadcast as a matter of routine in the region. The kind of things that would land you in jail in the UK if you were delusional and stupid enough to utter them.

For you and others who apparently think that the state of Israel should not exist (if your above metaphor is anything to go by) please answer me this: after the end of World War II, what would you have done with the millions of displaced Jews whose relatives and friends had been systematically massacred by the racist and fascist regime of the Nazis?
Birdie,what would have happened if the displaced Jews had stayed where they were or, alternatively, gone back whence they came before displacement?

North Korea? Was that the topic? The Daily Mail (today,Monday) thinks that North Korea may be about to abandon its embassy here, if that helps. As to our embassy, this is all part of North Korea's distracting bluster designed a) in the hope that the West will make concessions to help North Korea b) to keep the population believing that it is under immediate threat and look to the leader to protect it c) to make the new leader sound a tough, worthy heir to his father and grandfather d) to keep the population's collective mind off its own troubles
all embassies are staying,on the israeli question as to why they didnt go back? All jewish houses,businesses etc had been taken over through out europe. What was there to go back to?
Thats just all B.S propaganda for the masses or anyone stupid enough to think thats whats going on c'mon time to wake up and think for ourselves don't just believe what a source is reporting and that they have your best interests at heart look at it this way a government official makes his way to announce what he is being told to say by his superiors to a journalist that journalist goes to his superior to report the report and the media outlets report a report coming from sources that are only repeating what they are told to say some may get what I am saying the ones that don't look at things from one perspective when there are alway many?
little troll,so cute,but so stupid
Seems that some people prefer suicide to the acknowledgement that they are destroying themselves.
Zeuhl - that's right - twist the facts again:

/a few Jews returned to their country/

I was referring to those few who returned after World War 2 when most of their families had been systematically murdered in Europe.

Arrivals from Russia and other European countries are fairly recent, and the majority are coming to escape the increasing antisemitism there. Of course, some will be economic migrants - but I understand you get them from eastern Europe in the the UK too.

I was referring to those few who returned after World War 2 when most of their families had been systematically murdered in Europe. /

They weren't 'returning' - do you know nothing of what happened in 1945-6

They had never been in the middle East - they could have stayed in europe where their roots where

Many were descendants of people converted to Judaism - hence the existence of blonde Jews and Israelis

The boatloads of ethnic east europeans arriving in Palestine (many of whom were hardened guerilla fighters) were inevitably going to result in problems bearing in mind people were already living there.

Pity the poor British servicemen who had to deal with the invasion

Still, if you and Birdie are living in England I expect you are ready and waiting to hand your house keys over to any returning Celts who 'return' to their Promised Land
/Your above analogy is effectively worthless – it being a colossal oversimplification of the reality of the situation. It really doesn't merit comment over and above that. /

That is a truly pathetic non-response - if it's an 'over simplification' it should be equally easy to rebuff it

If you can't answer a point without resorting to muddying and complicating it in detail just say so - the 'I can't be bothered answering this' attitude impresses no one
Fred - “... North Korea? Was that the topic?...”

Don't blame me! It was Gromit who brought up the Israel matter and Zeul who has subsequently taken up the batten.
Zeuhl - “... If you can't answer a point without resorting to muddying and complicating it in detail just say so - the 'I can't be bothered answering this' attitude impresses no one...”

I wasn't trying to impress anyone. I simply thought that your analogy was spurious. I still do. in fact, I'm actually rather surprised that you still seem to think that it's valid.

If you feel that the state of Israel should not exist then please feel free to post a question to that effect on an appropriate section of AB and let us all know what you would have done with the millions of displaced Jews after WWII while you're at it.
Is it just me that thinks N. Korea's threat of a pre-emptive nuclear strike would be like a child turning up to a firework party with a sparkler?
Zeuhl - “... That is a truly pathetic non-response - if it's an 'over simplification' it should be equally easy to rebuff it...”

Err... do you know what the word 'oversimplification' means? In this context and in this debate it means that you've postulated a childish scenario and suggested that it somehow reflects reality. What I have done is quite rightly said that your scenario is spurious and the reasons for that are multitudinous and require some exposition to fully demonstrate.

You appear to think that this is a failing on my part...

My advice: post a new question.
..dah, I'm too tired to p!ss with the big boys, you two slug it out and I'll come back in the morning and see what's left!
Question Author
I've given up.

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