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Russia Warns Britain.

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anotheoldgit | 09:26 Mon 22nd Apr 2013 | News
23 Answers

Will it take the words of a Russian to wake up our security forces?

/// Security specialist Igor Korotchenko, claimed Britain has created a ‘ticking timebomb’ for allowing radicalised Muslims into this country.



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Indeed - Daily Mail twaddle.
not at all, AP, as a right-on liberal I currently have three Chechens living in my garden shed. I'd let them in the house but I don't like the smell their chemical experiments make.
One fact worth reflecting on is that Tamerlan Tsarnaev travelled to Dagestan, unmolested and freely, one year AFTER the Russian security services allegedly warned the FBI about him.
Why would these masters of counter-insurgency allow such a thing in those circumstances? In fact certain elements of their security forces, ridiculously, deny he went there at all.

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Russia Warns Britain.

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