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Do The Police Have A Sense Of Humour ?

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mikey4444 | 07:31 Tue 25th Jun 2013 | News
20 Answers
I'm not sure that the Police have any sense of humour to loose in the first place :::



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Ha ha... spoilsports !
I have had worse looking women in the back of my car than that....
Question Author are a very naughty boy !
//Sussex Police said the doll's "obvious attributes were not appropriate for family viewing".//

It's obviously the policeman's face that wasn't appropriate for viewing, as it's been blacked out; the doll's attribute is (quite correctly and harmlessly) included in the video.
I'm not sure about the appropriateness being a problem. I would have thought it would be a distraction to other drivers though.
Nonsense. It has to cause "harassment, alarm or distress". No child is going to be affected in that way, and no reasonable adult would be either.
The world has gone mad, it seems that a person can now be guilty through someone else's perceptions. It's a bit like a middle ages witch being executed because she is perceived as being a witch. We are now living in the world of Monty Python.
It is OK to show an unclothed mannequin in a shop window but it isn't Ok to carry one visible to the public in a van.
Instructions have been issued to all women to ensure that the bathroom door is firmly locked while they wash lest family members are traumatised by a view of the female form.
A police spokesman said: "It's disgusting, I'm actually allowed to use my own judgement when at work and I get paid well for this rubbish".
Local victims of real crime were not relieved that this menace was off the streets
Without over analysing the 'joke', it was funny on OFAH because blow up dolls are not normally displayed in car windows. Part of the hilarity of them popping up was the embarrassment it would cause Delboy.

To replay the same joke 20 years later everytime he takes the van out, it ceases to be funny anymore. I would suggest the driver ought to try and develop his sense of humour a little more.

We are only seeing an edited version of the interaction with the police officer. If he was asked nicely to reposition the doll so that children would not see it, I am not sure why he refused and made a fuss.

Good publicity for his vehicle hire business though.

a load of decent publicity for the fella in Sussex
Question Author
I would much prefer the Police get on with other, more important duties, rather than faff about wasting our hard-earned money with this nonsense.

They could, for instance, try investigating the 100,000's of burglaries that occur every year in Britain, for which they continually whinge that they don't have the man-power to do ( ask anybody who has had their house broken into ) They could put more officers on our streets, and housing estates, something that the general public have been requesting for as many years as I can remember. They could stop tw*ts driving too fast in built-up areas, thus improving the safety of everybody.

They could also divert their finite resources away from investigating the lives of families who have had their sons murdered, into investigating the murderers themselves.

The list is endless but the Police prefer to strut around minding everybody else's business.
do they really auto-inflate like safety bags? (Sorry, not my area of expertise, possibly not yours either.)
did she have a seat belt on ?

Police / Sense of humour? ................ does not compute!
Inflatable doll.....hmmm...should have left it a while, it would have gone down of its own accord
It's not much of a story really. They were probably bored and saw Delboy's van going past with a blow up doll up in it and thought ello ello ello, this has got to be an interesting way to pass the next five minutes.

I reckon they told him to take it out of the window to justify stopping him in the first place, but I'm not sure it indicates a sense of humour failure.
It helps to pass the time. I reckon officers get bored. They must go by this house every day. A dog is always dozing outside the farm gate every day, on the grass. About 4 times a year one jobsworth officer complains that the dog is out on the grass verge. Every time I ask what offence is being committed. Every time there's a long pause, and I get the wrong answer. (The correct answer is "None")
if Sir David Jason had been the driver i doubt if he would have been cautioned

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