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hawksley | 08:27 Mon 12th Aug 2013 | News
49 Answers
Prince Charlie, has had at least thirty eight private meetings with MPs , this year.All these people are paid and supported from the public purse.should we know what is discussed ,behind closed doors,or is it strictly Eton old boys and old royals.???


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homoeopathy is not wacky, it has some very proven medicines, and indeed many GP's now seek out complimentary remedies, for those perhaps who don't tolerate some of our modern medicines.
Don't believe Charles went to Eton..
didn't think so, he went to Gordounston which he apparently hated.
\\\\\or is it strictly Eton old boys and old royals.???\\\

I don't think that OP was suggesting that Prince Charles went to Eton........he presumably would have come under "old royals."
Indeed, he qualifies for the OP as an ' old royal', not an Etonian. (Old? He's my age. Cheek!) Says a lot that he was sent to Gordonstoun. Only a father with absolutely no judgment of people would send a boy whose main interest was playing the cello, an 'artistic' boy, to a place where the ethos was 'climb that rock in 5 minutes or you're a failure'.
i have been to a homoeopathic hospital, don't knock it till you try it as the saying goes
take a brave bloke to walk down the high street wearing that floral creation.
sqad, aren't they choristers.
LOL, it would take some balls to wear that every day, sqad.
emmie...some may be.....but that is the school uniform.

Played at Oundle School in a rugby match with shorts that sort of "bellowed."

A wag from the village shouted out "I see you have your dancing shorts on....plenty of ballroom"
our school uniform left a lot to be desired, mostly green, still not one of my favourite colours.
Type Your Answer Here...I'm confused, is this thread about :-

1) School Uniforms

2) Homeopathy


3) Prince Charles' meetings with MPs ?
Grey flannels, white shirt ( with school tie ) and a Black blazer with the school badge, for the boys at my school. Replace the Grey flannels for Grey skirt for the girls. emmie.
All of those that you mention, Canary.
Thanks for the enlightenment.

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