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Did You Burn Your Free Copy Of The Sun?

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anotheoldgit | 10:54 Sat 14th Jun 2014 | News
163 Answers

What is this country coming to when everyone has to think if certain actions may cause offence?

Should all newspapers of any particular political association, be burnt because in their past they may have reported unwisely on an event on which they reported many years ago?


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Sqad bought her outfit.
Yes but I chose it, Mamya ;-)
I get the Sun every day and am not ashamed to admit it

Great for sport and a nice pair of puppies every day
-- answer removed --
i did not even get one
well done joe for your honesty, ( I wouldn't buy it though ) :)
I would have guessed Joe was a Sun reader....:-)
ours was delivered by the postman, not by anyone from Murdoch. I left them all in the hall in case any of the people in the other flats wanted one, but they're still there, so probably not. I don't think I'll waste precious matchwood on them, though, just bin them.
pixie, it uses nice short words so you don't have to move your lips too much.

I would never have guessed he was a reader!
I don't read the sun (note the lowercase) because of their reporting. Is it not the fault more, though, of the reporter at the time and the editor at the time? Are they still involved in the paper? If not, what are they involved in and should we not more be picketing that? Sorry if this has been answered, I have a bad pc which keeps dying on me!
anneasquith...I think most of us here on AB have a reasonable education...maybe that is why so few of us read the Sun ! See this old Jasper Carrot sketch ::

with regard to Hillsborough, the Sun story came from a police briefing. The Sun editor seems to have believed it was true, which is why he refused to apologise for it. But it wasn't true, it was part of a police cover-up, and the editor was stitched up, partly because of his desire for a "scoop". have any links to back up your theory that Sun readers are poorly educated?
I think it is wrong to assume how well educated or not someone is by the paper they take - I know folk who have 3 or 4 different ones delivered, presumably they find something in each to interest them.

Not sure that getting personal is the way forward with this discussion.
Does it really matter what papers are read and by whom. Everybody reads what they enjoy reading and it shouldn't be anyone else's business to criticise., other than the fact that it would be counterintuitive to think otherwise...just common sense to me !
My father has just told me it was called the Daily Sketch ,before it was the Sun?

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