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Farage Wants To Repeal Anti-Race Discrimination Laws

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mikey4444 | 09:14 Thu 12th Mar 2015 | News
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Anybody who is still unsure whether to vote for UKIP or not in a few weeks time had better see this.

He wants to repeal anti-race discrimination laws ! This will never happen, of course, because Farage and UKIP will never win a General Election ! But the fact that he has said this, is still atrocious .

My Dad had to put with signs saying " No Blacks, no Irish and no dogs" when he was a young man in post war Britain. If Farage had his way, these signs would appear outside the factory gate, all over again.

A quote from the BBC link :::: When asked if he would retain a ban on discrimination on the grounds of race or colour, he said: "No... because we take the view, we are colour-blind. We as a party are colour-blind."

If anybody else wants a reason that Farage and his Party are constantly exposed to ridicule, they need look no further.


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Firstly we are not in Canada or Australia, we are in the European Union that has a policy of free movement. Secondly there are areas that would not give an Eastern European or a Muslim or someone who is black a job because they don't feel that the individual is 'right for the job' ie not white anglo. That is wrong and we need to maintain these laws or what will be the...
09:45 Thu 12th Mar 2015

You wrote:

"However, I think we should restrict benefits to anyone who comes over and doesn't work."


I couldn't agree more.
Oh, so if I want my race discrimination thread to run to 4+ pages, I have to put "Farage" somwhere in the first few words, do I? I see.

Another load of old nonsense blown out of all proportion by the usuals.

It most certainly isn't - and I'm eager to hear an explanation from those who think that Farage is talking sense.


It's sense of a sort he talks, nonsense. :-)
"Oh, so if I want my race discrimination thread to run to 4+ pages, I have to put "Farage"..."

Hypognosis, any mention of race, racism etc is usually enough for the hysteria and scaremongering to start but yeh, defo add the name Farage in the title alongside any reference to racism and the thread should quickly fill up with silly nonsense from the gullible.
sp, //It most certainly isn't - and I'm eager to hear an explanation from those who think that Farage is talking sense.



Yes. Me. Seriously.

If the law dictates, citing discrimination, that I can’t fire an employee who refuses to do the job he was hired to do, something is very, very wrong, and therefore that law either needs to be repealed.
*^cancel the 'either'. I was going to type 'either needs to be repealed or changed' - but I changed my mind and cancelled the 'changed'. It needs to be repealed.
The one law that Farage wants to repeal is the European Economic Community Act (1972) and all subsequent primary and secondary legislation proceeding therefrom. In that he has my full support, Mikey et al notwithstanding.

The law you cite does not exist.

Also...that's nothing to do with Farage's argument.

His argument doesn't make sense (have a look at the link - you'll see what I mean).

I'm going to leave this thread and have a look at it tomorrow afternoon...and I'm fairly sure that no-one will be able to construct a reasonable explanation as to what Farage is going on about...because it was a rushed response.

Nothing I've read thus far has convinced me that he knew what the end of the sentence was going to be when he started it.

That is patently untrue.

He also wants to overturn the smoking ban in public places, such as bars and restaurants.

Not great news for the staff whose lungs are almost now completely clear of the second hand smoke they had to inhale.
-- answer removed --
A public school, ex banker, ex conservative, married to a German who purports to represent the man (and woman) in the street? Mm.
Was it a recent issue of the Mail carried an article casting a critical eye on chaps who wear coats with velvet collars? All cads, apparently.
sp, //The law you cite does not exist. //

Well if it doesn't I have no idea why Muslims employed in supermarkets are moved to other areas if they refuse to touch pork or alcohol, or in pharmacies why they may refuse to serve customers GP prescribed birth control. Perhaps you can explain?
Fear of reprisals of a bad publicity nature?
When Nigel's troops take to marching through the streets of Britain singing the Horst Wessel Lied, then I might rethink. Until then, don't be silly. He's more Churchill than Hitler.
The dog in the insurance ad's?
Oh, Yes!

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