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Time To Give The Scots Autonomy?

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ToraToraTora | 16:11 Wed 13th May 2015 | News
70 Answers
I say abolish the Barnet formula and give them complete control of their own revenue and taxes, and stand well back!


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No, it isn't.
I'm going to sit on the naughty step!
Why can't anyone proffer a reasoned point of view without miscalling anyone who doesn't go with their particular viewpoint?

I find that lowering their opinion to include insults rather negates their argument.
kylesmum, Anyone? You really ought to name names because there are several here who aren't doing what you're accusing them of doing.
In general Naomi and I think you know I meant that. You follow most of the 'political' debates on AB. You're being unnecessarily obtuse...mwah :)
Ahhh the underlying racism continues.... eejits.

You tory lovers ask yourself why they were so desparate for Scotland to stay part of the UK... would be anything to do with the oil taxes would it??? You don't want to spend money on Scotland but you and your Tory politicians don't want to lose the wealth do you.....
I'm not being obtuse. I just object being lumped in with the people you're complaining about.
Slapshot, we do spend money in Scotland - and what on earth is that link?
Look trying to understand this. Are you saying English taxes for the English only. So in the future will we have London taxes for Londoners only?
If you're talking to me, I'm saying that if the Scots want to be independent, I've no objection.
Hi Slapshot- thanks for the link but it doesn't seem to give any info as to how much oil tax revenue there is and how much it compares to the additional amounts paid out by Barnett formula and differences in other tax receipts and spending
ummmm, I can assure you I'm not looking for anyone to bite, that is not why I post on AB, it's just so predictable and tiresome now ,
Fiscal autonomy is what is being discussed. "Autonomy" is not the same thing as independence, as I am sure everyone realises, but just checking :-)
Isn't it just. All that repetitive hand-rubbing at the thought of spending English money.
I don't understand the oil revenue point.

According to the latest figures I could find, admittedly for 2012, Scotland's net "give" to the British economy, from all forms of taxation etc, (including the £9bn in oil revenues) was £48bn, and Scotland's net "take" from the economy was £59bn.

So, by Scotland becoming independent, and England and Wales losing all the oil revenue, we would still be £11bn better off.

And, even with the oil revenue, Scotland would be trying to make up a shortfall of £11bn.

One presumes that, if Scotland get the oil revenue, England and Wales get the banking and world financial market revenue from the City.
Can someone tell me what "mwah" means, please?
It's a kiss.
Thanks joggerjayne- that's the sort of info I was hoping for in Slapshot's link and is similar to figures I recall seeing before. I suppose though that those wanting financial autonomy would point out that the Scots have been payoing billions for Trident which they don't use or need
Thank you, Naomi.
I was wondering if it was a cat-like noise!
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