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Tobacco Companies Up Against It In Canada

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mikey4444 | 08:40 Tue 02nd Jun 2015 | News
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Good. It's a vile business with a product that kills at least half of the people who become addicted to it.
08:44 Tue 02nd Jun 2015
No, prohibition never works, it just creates criminal activity - just look at Al Cappone et al and our current drug Barons.

As you say Sandy - education of the young is key.
Society does look to protect the young. For example, a teenager under 18 can't buy drink in a pub.
here's a question I'd like to put to libertarian/pro smokers. If you have children in their early teens would you care if they smoked?
I had one (out of 4) that thought it was clever to smoke. Wife and I are anti smoking (I am an ex smoker so always the worst) but we chose not to go on about it or 'ban' it.

Instead she was shoved outside away from the house (so nothing came in) and then my wife sprayed her with air freshener when she came in. We also refused 'loans' for phone credit as it was clear she had money to burn(literally)

The rebellion didnt last long!
Smoking is for the foolish, we all know that but

'the plaintiffs argued that the companies did not properly warn their customers'

C' would have to be very, very stupid not to have heard about how smoking is bad for your health, no matter whether you are 9 or 99

The argument about smokers being a burden on the NHS is just meaningless. If everybody gave up smoking, gave up drinking and maintained a healthy weight then they'd all live longer so the increase in old people would be a far greater burden on the NHS because everyone ends up dying of something eventually and more often than not that happens in hospital.
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Canary and Prudie...Of course you are right. Its interesting that the same old drivel excuses are still being given about why its best for everybody to continue to smoke. The NHS excuse is particularly pernicious.

If you look at the details in my link, you will see that the Canadian authorities haven't exactly rushed to get to the position they are now.

Slowly but surely, smokers and the tobacco companies are losing the debate, and are on the run, to the betterment of us all, not just the minority that still smoke.
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TTT...are you about this morning ?
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Seems there were a catalogue reasons why this little lad was taken from his parents, and smoking was only one.
I think you're posting on the wrong thread.
Yes Prudie, and that's without adding the extra 20 or 30 years of old age pension payments that selfish non-smokers receive.
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Thanks retrocop...I have reposted in the correct thread.
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I think that (sauce) boat has already sailed in the US, divebuddy.

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