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jim360 | 09:01 Thu 11th Jun 2015 | News
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"Three things happen when they are in the lab: you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticise them they cry." and when you criticise them they cry.... And when Tim Hunt is critised he sulks and the irony.
09:48 Thu 11th Jun 2015
That's OK then Naomi !
^That was to Baldric.

Mikey, if you thought about it you'd realise it's not a 'perfectly ordinary question'. None of us are in a position to agree or disagree with him. He says this is his experience - who's to say it isn't?
But most of us on here have expressed an opinion on if he was right or wrong in his views, not his right to express them. I, for one, thought that his views were wrong, as others have done.

Why are you getting upset about me asking if you thought he was right or wrong ? You don't normally show any shyness in expressing an opinion, which is one of the qualities that I admire about you ! Neither of us could be described as shrinking violets now could we ?
Svejk - //Perhaps Andy, he's too busy, oh I don't know, curing cancer or something, to groom himself to metrosexual levels. //

Regardless of what , or not, he is doing, simply grooming yourself to an acceptable level is basic self-respect.

You don't have to be aspiring to 'metrosexual' levels to glance in the mirror and shave properly, and ensure you haven't got Epping Forrest issuing out of your face!

It's just basic hygene and presenting a reasonable image to the world.
Mikey, //Why are you getting upset about me asking if you thought he was right or wrong ?//

What an odd thing to say. Who’s upset? Sometimes these things happen, sometimes they don’t, hence I don’t have an opinion on what he said.

andy-hughes, I assume he’s content with his appearance.
Naomi - //andy-hughes, I assume he’s content with his appearance. //

I would suggest it s rather that he doesn't care - which is his choice, but as I have advised, I think making the best of your appearance speaks to respect, which will be lacking in others, if you lack it in yourself.
He has a knighthood and a Nobel prize. Not bad for someone who isn’t respected.
Naomi...I am still reeling from the revelation that you don't have an opinion. I never thought it would have been possible and I might have to go and have a little lie down ! ☺
Go on then. Sweet dreams.
Naomi - //He has a knighthood and a Nobel prize. Not bad for someone who isn’t respected. //

Who said he was not respected?
You implied it.

//I think making the best of your appearance speaks to respect, which will be lacking in others, if you lack it in yourself. //
Naomi - //You implied it...//

That is down to your interpretation, which is not necessarily correct.

Here we go 'round and 'round again!
Awww, don't be like that Balders!!!
'If you can't see how utterly awful what he's said is, what sort of message it sends, how outdated such views are, and how right it is that he's gone then I'm genuinely sorry for you TTT.'

If you can't see how far PC has gone completely overboard Jim, then I feel genuinely sorry for you.
andy-hughes, //That is down to your interpretation, which is not necessarily correct.//

You introduced the subject of his apparent lack of grooming and the potential lack of respect that may engender. I simply responded to your posts.
Naomi - fair enough.
I haven't read the whole thread here, so apologies if I repeat anything.
I just heard Jeremy Vine say that men and women working together in laboratories is different from working in a bank or anywhere else because "they're leaning over test tubes all the time". What a ridiculous thing to say.
I agree the Prof should have apologised and gone back to work.

Jeremy Vine, very good on Politics, very naïve on just about anything else
Blimey, I'm a woman and I wouldn't give a stuff if someone said this about me at work, I'd just laugh it off because I'd know it wasn't true ! Why DO folk get so uptight these days about such matters ....... ??

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