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Air Displays To Face Restrictions

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mikey4444 | 15:17 Mon 24th Aug 2015 | News
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Not before time as far as I am concerned. Most of those killed at the weekend weren't even attending the Airshow....just driving on a busy main road. This is hardly the first time this has happened, is it ?


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I think it`s the right thing to do until they investigate further.
18:31 Mon 24th Aug 2015
I agree. But the bugles of ignorance on this site often display it. :-(
This kind of thing happens across the world way more than some are remembering:
I knew this guy when he was in the RAF and he was a very experienced pilot. *** happens sometimes
It's the right thing to do.
I don't think any of those poor souls who were killed were actually at the show.

I knew this guy when he was in the RAF and he was a very experienced pilot. *** happens sometimes//

Absolutely right. So lets ban football shall we.
Hillsborough,Heisel and any other pastime/pleasure that attracts a crowd gathering.
With all that money sloshing about in football you would imagine the spectators would be safe within the stadia wouldn't you.
I seem to recall watching a football match in a Cafe Sport in Brittany. The stand collapsed in Marseilles where the game was played with fatalities and serious injury. I imagine more spectators die watching football than an air show.
Retro cop - I said that I knew the pilot. I don`t really see how that equates to banning football. However, I think that if there is anything to be learned from an accident, whether it is to do with pilot error, flying procedures, airworthiness etc, then the CAA would be negligent if they didn`t investigate it thoroughly and if that means suspending certain activities in the meantime then so be it.
I saw the last surviving Bristol Bulldog plough in at Biggin Hill air show whilst performing aerobatics. That was the same aircraft that thrilled spectators at the Hendon Air pageant in the 1930s. No spectator casualties on that occasion. Same aircraft that Douglas Bader was showing off in when he lost his legs at Woodley aerodrome. No civilian casualties.
I recall a B24 ,again at Biggin,ploughing in. No civilian casualties. Yes S...t happens and I thank the pilots who are willing to take those risks.
I'm willing to bet that when the AAIB delivers its report, it will find that safety systems were either not working, or ignored by the pilot who thought he knew better.
JJ- I don`t think anyone can speculate at this time. I doubt "safety systems" were ignored by the pilot.
I am not denying that the CAA must investigate air accidents and proffer recommendations but it would seem that certain people would like to see these airshows banned in toto.
Whilst we are at it ban RAF pilots from contour flying as well. Mustn't scare the sheep. :-)
What "certain people"?
237SJ, not really will soon become fact.
JJ I`m not sure it can ever become fact because there is no black box in in a vintage aircraft. The conclusion may be supposition
I fully understand grounding the hunter until they know what happened but to ban vintage aircraft is over the top, as I mentioned earlier the B52 would be considered vintage but that aircraft will still be flying in 25 years.
When you have enthusiasts involved, safety goes out the window and usually leads to death and disaster!
I think they have only suspended vintage jet aircraft, not the propeller jobs.
Airshows aren't being banned. It's just acrobatic manoeuvres that are. In my opinion that's a right decision.
If you don't get enough joy from seeing the planes in flight on a flypast and you need a loop the loop to enthral you that's fair enough. Go travel miles into the middle of nowhere to do it. then ask yourself if you actually would and how much you really need to see a plane do that to be impressive.
Never mind "wait till we hear the cause". Why? Because if the joystick jammed it was alright? No. It is not alright under any circumstances.
I welcome the decision.
My friend's FiL was at the show as a spectator and was handed a safety leaflet before the show began so it would seem crowd safety was being taken seriously at least.
Has anyone said they want these shows banned?
I don`t think anyone wants these shows banned but you have to ask yourself "Is my entertainment worth 11 peoples` lives"? I don`t think it is.
My point exactly 237SJ. Thank you.

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