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These anti immigration Parties, 'One Nation', 'UKIP' etc, do themselves no favours by choosing extremely dim people to stand as candidates. If you are going to represent a one issue party, then at least get up to speed on that one issue.
Not bad looking though.
Education is a wonderful thing.
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a stunning picture Svejk.....hang on!
Know what you mean, gromit. Like UKIP's David Lammy. ;)
She's like a mensa version of Sarah Palin.
but the show aint over till the shows over ( Yogi Berra )

I mean she could rise again phoeniz like and be Sarah Palin's international running mate

anyway it is Australia - does she NEED to know where Islam is ?
Homer Simpson on failing his English exam "Pfff, I'm never going to go to England anyway'.
I will follow her progress religiously.

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