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Halal And Kosher Animal Slaughter.

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anotheoldgit | 13:50 Mon 29th Feb 2016 | News
82 Answers
Norway,Iceland,Switzerland,Sweden,Poland and Denmark, have all banned Halal and Kosher animal slaughter, why hasn't the UK joined them?

This report is over a year old, why have the UK still not took action?


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Halal slaughter

Halal slaughter of sheep involves the cutting of both the carotid arteries and jugular veins. If they are not completely severed, the animal is then supposed to be stunned.

Cattle are kept in an upright position with the head and body restrained. After their throats are cut, they are stunned with a captive bolt pistol. Compared to sheep, cattle have an extra blood supply to the brain through the back of the neck, so cutting their throat does not lead to unconsciousness as quickly.
Kosher slaughter

Kosher slaughter

Kosher slaughter does not involve stunning. Kosher meat must be slaughtered in a particular way so as to be “fit and proper” for people of the Jewish faith to consume, and must not contain any blood. The animals must be killed by a rabbi specially trained in religious slaughterer. A sharp knife is used to cut the oesophagus, the trachea, carotid arteries and jugular veins in one action. Excessive pressure on the blade is forbidden. The animal is raised so blood flows out and this is then covered with dirt. Failure to do any of these acts correctly means the animal is considered unfit to eat.
mikey just makes sure it is well dead by leaving it in the fridge for 6 months.
///To protest about a degree of cruelty to animals - which is what this is - is meaningless.///

Andy plumbs new depths in support of his 'friends'.
a-h, the point that I am making is that cruelty to animals is abominable whether or not they are about to be killed.
Togo...well it worked with that lovely prosciutto I had the other day !
Haven't read the links but I'm sure the anti-halal people wanted halal meat to be designated as such. But the government refused to do that at the behest of our Muslim friends.
Never was such a big deal until the muslims flooded in here...
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ALL New Zealand lamb is halal.
I believe that all New Zealand lamb is now Halal, something else to avoid if you don't want your life governed by a load of mysogenistic bigots.
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At least we can rely on pork not being halal slaughtered
I don't like the way potatoes look at me so accusingly.
Do all the responders here remember the news reports about a year or two ago about the treatment of pigs in certain slaughter houses? Pigs were kicked and thrown around and treated without any 'compassion'. Not likely to be under halal or kosher rules there. Anyone getting worked up about how the animal they are eating was killed is a hypocrite. Become a vegetarian so you can stop worrying how the dead flesh you eat conforms to the level of barbarity you approve of.
allen I am going to nick baldric's joke. P.E.T.A. People Eat Tasty Animals.
Svejk - //andy-hughes
///To protest about a degree of cruelty to animals - which is what this is - is meaningless.///

Andy plumbs new depths in support of his 'friends'. //

OK, I am not 'plumbing new depths' nor am I 'supporting' anyone - again you have allowed your assumptions to get the better of you, so I will be delighted to elaborate on my point -

You have cut and pasted once sentence out of an extensive post because you believe it highlights my support of Muslims in general, and Halal slaughter in particular.

My point is this - getting upset about Halal slaughter is meaningless because all slaughter of animals is cruel and inhumane, it is only the degree of cruelty that seems to be the issue here.

As far as I am concerned, all slaughterhouse personal treat animals cruelly, they have no regard for them in any shape or form, cruelty or compassion are not concepts they consider for a moment - if they did, they wouldn't be doing the job.

So my point is absolutely nothing to do with Muslims, or Halal slaughter, it is connected with the notion that getting upset about the degree of cruelty to animals is redundant.

Cruelty to animals in all slaughter houses is the issue - being Muslims is not.
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/// Join us vegetarians and vegans, and then you can look ANY animal in the eye and know that it is a fellow being, not a potential
dinner. ///

'ANY' animal?

If they happened to be a lion or tiger, would they also realise that you were a fellow being and not a potential dinner? :0)
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/// As far as I am concerned, all slaughterhouse personal treat animals cruelly, they have no regard for them in any shape or form, cruelty or compassion are not concepts they consider for a moment - if they did, they wouldn't be doing the job. ///

Have you ever been in a abattoir?

Do you know for certain that they show no regard for them in any shape or form? Or that cruelty or compassion are not concepts they consider for a moment?

Are you a vegetarian?

If not then it is a good thing that someone is prepared to do the job so that you can still continue to enjoy your Sunday roast.
we have too many apologists for religious barbarism against people let alone animals.

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