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I should clarify...I'm not saying that pensioner should be deprived of the pensions they have contributed.

I'm saying that the state pension should be phased out, and the money we would pay to the Treasury as NI contributions, should be released to us, so we can invest in private pensions.

And additionally, those opting for this should get tax relief on their contributions.
Well I guess with policies like that you will never get elected
Sp believes in menial jobs for menial people.
But how would you expect these menial people to save for a pension out of ther minimum wage jobs. I know you think they deserve their lot in life but I'm afraid we can't all operate in your cushy, middle class, fairyland.
Some people aren't as brilliant as you are(or believe yourself to be) and besides, you'll always need people to do the grunt work, the dirty jobs. It's all very well importing peasants from around the world to do that work but even peasants get old.

I totally understand what you say that. It's because you don't know what you're talking about.

I had to train after leaving school to get professional qualifications and it was extremely hard. I was in a badly paid job, but followed the advice my dad gave me - 10% of your salary should go to the future. When I found that difficult, I simply went without until I could afford it.

Because you're a little bit dim, you won't understand that many of us who enjoy this cushy life came from very poor backgrounds, but had the good fortune to have parents who pushed them to work hard and achieve something for themselves.

I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth.

I had to earn the money to buy the silver spoon later in life.

Here's my revised proposal for those people who earn below the threshold for NI...their pensions would funded by the state.
How superior of you SP remind us to tip our caps as we climb out of our *** pit that pays the minimum wage. Perhaps you might consider removal of
Tax relief on private Pension payments
Tax relief on Mortgage interest payments
Job seekers allowance
Maternity benefit
Child benefit
Carers and disability benefit
All forms of tax credit
Abolish the Pension Protection Fund
Or is it just the poor elderly who have outlived their usefulness

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I bought it from Ratners back in the 90s, so to be honest, it's probably stainless steel.
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No - read what I wrote earlier.

I said there should be tax relief on private pension contributions.

And remember, I'm talking specifically about dismantling state pension and releasing the funds back to the people to invest in their own pension schemes.

Take the government out of the equation, and let the people decide on how to fund their retirement.

Yes...err...that's the joke.
And why should their be tax relief on private pensions ?? because it suits you

Oh good Lord.

There should be tax relief on private pensions to encourage people to take out private pensions.

And's not to benefit me...I don't pay tax on my pension contributions because it comes out of my gross salary.
'there', by the way.
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/// Because you're a little bit dim, ///

No need to be insulting towards Svejk.

And before you start rearranging our welfare state, perhaps you would do better to go to Africa (seeing that you know so much about it) and advise them how to drag their Continent out of the dark ages, without the need for the continuous aid they receive from almost the rest of the world.
if you are paying in to a private or work placed pension it is paid on your gross earnings therefore you receive tax relief

I think it's quite justified.

As you know, I don't really rise to the bait, but when people try to identify my 'shortcomings', it's fine to highlight theirs.

I'm sure you'd agree that it would be insane for me to let Svejk's comments go when all I was doing was outlining my ideas for a revised benefits system.

The problem is - when some people are faced with complex ideas, all they can do is resort to personal digs.

Or do you think I should have let Svejk's comments go?

Go to Africa?

Why would I do that?

What a bizarre comment.

I have much more to offer here than in Africa.

For a start, my massive tax bill is keeping at least 60 OAPs supplied with Capstan Full Strength and weekly scratch cards.

I'm the kind of person this country actually needs. We are called 'net contributors...people who have never claimed benefits, pay shedloads of tax and don't use the NHS.

You should be thanking me.

Yes...that's exactly how it works company I work for.

That's not how it works for everyone.

"Why should I get tax relief on private pensions?"

Tax relief should be there on every investment. Otherwise no one would ever take a risk, ever.
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Notice how this thread was conveniently moved away from our massive overseas aid budget, to one having a dig at our own domestic benefit budget.

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