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Boiling Water Poured On Sevenoaks Couple In 'horrendous' Burglary

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mikey4444 | 13:15 Sat 07th May 2016 | News
53 Answers

Its not often I am stuck for words but .......


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heinous...words are not enough to express my disgust
I read this answer yesterday. I just can't comprehend this, I really can't.
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Apparently the culprits may be local, so I hope they are apprehended quickly, before they do it again.
Rabble, riff-raff, refuse, garbage, trash, vermin, dregs of society, dirt, rats, scumbags, pond life, scuzzballs, sleazeballs, dirt bags pieces of s@@@t.

Any other euphemisms welcome.
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Bigbad....not strong enough words I'm afraid !
Where have you read that the offenders may be local please mikey?

Yeah, mikey. I know.
Don't want to risk getting banned from AB, though!
Vicious psychopaths are nothing new. But it is awful each time one isn't detected before they cause such an incident. Perhaps then something could be done to prevent these sorts of things.
Burglary is bad enough but why the hell did they feel the need to pour boiling water on their victims. Scum!
Despicable act, hope they are caught very quickly - sickening.
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Orderlimit...I first read this in this mornings "Times".

"The man's 68-year-old brother said yesterday ...there must be a local connection because they knew things. They threatened other family members"

So, not conclusive I know, but it may help the Police. There is also CCTV footage. In cases as awful as this, its not unusual for other criminals to "grass" on a gang like this, so fingers crossed !
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Talbot...I presume that the boiling water was used as a torture, as a means of locating the money in the house. They also threatened to kill the grandchildren and slice off the man's ear.

The more I read about this story, the worse it gets.
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Bigbad....(13:50)...we wouldn't want that would we !
Thanks Mikey. More lines of enquire usually means more clues so hopefully they will be detained soon.
They got away with a 'quantity of cash' after a 2 hour ordeal.

Perhaps the boiling water was either to incapacitate. Them at the start or as a mean of torture to find the money.

I have long been an advocate for making the punishment commiserate with the crime. Let's see how they like to be tortured for a couple of hours.
Well, I wouldn't mikey. Not sure about you!
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No, of course I wouldn't Bigbad, but there are lots more colourful and creative way to get suspended and/or banned on AB, and this gang of scumbags are just not worth it !
that is horrendous those poor people
What I meant at 13.44 mikey, was I’m not sure if YOU would be bothered if I got banned!

I suppose when that happens, people just ’reinvent’ themselves.

Sorry. Gone too far off topic now. I’ll leave it there.
well that's what happens when you decriminalise burglary. Scum take advantage. They'll get a suspended sentence once some bl0od sucking scum brief, paid for by us, has made excuses for them and some dozy judge on another planet gets conned. Ladies and gentlemen welcome to our liberal world.

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