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Trump 'welcomes Sanders Supporters With Open Arms'

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mikey4444 | 08:32 Wed 08th Jun 2016 | News
25 Answers

Does Trump think that Sanders supporters are going to vote for him ?

Really ?



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Oh come on JJ, no matter how much you dislike Mrs Clinton, the world would be a safer place with her than with that mad man.
09:16 Wed 08th Jun 2016
whatever, Trump has to close a considerable gap, last time I looked it was 10 percent undecided or others (yep, there are others on the ticket - usually 6 to 8) and then the split is 42 Trump and 48 Clinton..... I would love to see Guiliani throw his cap into the mix......
Seems reasonable to me. Many are disillusioned with the establishment so may well vote for Trump.

Trump is not mad, he simply has different views to you. Most of thise views do resonate with the voters.
Here's the thing ...

Hilary C says what she things voters want to hear. It all sounds lovely and sensible. She doesn't care if she actually believes it herself. She will say anything to grasp power.

Donald T, by contrast, blurts out what he believes in. It all sounds a bit mad. But none of his more whacky ideas would actually get past congress. However, Americans would at least have a president who told them what he believed, instead of what he thought they wanted to hear.

Bernie S was like that.

So is Donald T.

Hilary C is the complete opposite.

So it won't be a surprise if a lot of Americans who supported Bernie S, now support Donald T.
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