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Camoron Stoops Even Lower?

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youngmafbog | 08:57 Sat 11th Jun 2016 | News
194 Answers
Is there anything this man wont do to get his own way?

He has to go down as the worst PM ever surely?


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Re-writing history? What inaccuracies can you find in my previous post? By the way, you might care to distinguish between government policy and Tory policy. There is a difference, you know.
Nobody, including Cameron, would have predicted the Conservatives having an outright victory. Cameron was comfortable offering a referendum to undermine support for UKIP because he never thought he'd have to deliver on that promise. (Clegg would have stopped him)
I don't buy the idea that people didn't vote for Labour because they weren't offering a referendum. Anyone who wasn't thick as two short planks could see they were self-serving and totally clueless.
Jack...why are you making such heavy weather of this ?

Tory policy and Government policy are exactly the same....we have a Tory Government ! And the policy is to remain in the EU....that is why Dave and most of his Ministers are leading the Remain campaign.

You seem to want your cake and eat it too.

If you were so concerned with the EU, you should have voted UKIP.
Blimey, I agree with mikey. I think a lot of people who might have voted UKIP were frightened of handing power to the SNP.
Tories were in a position to deliver, UKIP weren't, simples.
Anyhoo, Sir Nigel is on the Marr Show this morning. And some bounder called Camerdown, or something.
Jackdaw, absolutely right. UKIP weren't in a position to deliver and it was doubtful that they might be. Mikey's is a silly argument.
Precisely. If Labour had been the only party to offer a referendum last year they would have got my vote as they did in 1974.
Jackdaw, the promise of a referendum or not they wouldn’t have got mine. I wouldn’t trust them an inch. As in all general elections, only one of two parties had any real chance of gaining a majority, so a vote for UKIP would have been futile.
//Is there anything this man wont do to get his own way?//

Apparently not, this morning it's a specious argument to frighten pensioners into thinking their pensions will be cut if we leave.

Oh how funny, I've just caught up with this thread. I am flattered to be mistaken for Naomi but am realistic enough to know that anyone who knows us could not possibly make that mistake. Oh dear.

Mikey, I don't think there has ever been a party which I have voted for at a GE where I agreed with every single policy of that party. I don't want fox hunting back on the menu and I do not agree with giving housing benefit straight to the claimant, evictions have rocketed since this happened apparently and private landlords are ceasing to let their properties to people on benefits. I would hazard a guess that there are very few people that agree with every single policy of their chosen party. You might be one of them though?
ladybirder; I agree with you, Thought the old Communists (and maybe, if there are any, current ones) believe in everything they are told by the party.

A couple of (surprisingly upper-class) now departed, card-carrying Communists once told me how important it was that children in Wales should be taught Welsh. Some months later on the same subject, they said they shouldn't be. I said nothing, but being curious about this volte-face I made enquiries and learnt that the central office British Communist Party had, at a meeting, changed its view - for reasons I can't remember, so it was now the view of all Communists!
One doesn't have to look too far afield to see card-carrying half-wits who are prepared to blindly follow Labour over the inevitable cliff.
Khandro/Svelk, It's all so ... Orwellian.
"Is there anything this man wont do to get his own way?

He has to go down as the worst PM ever surely?"

We had a lucky escape. Think about it, we could have had Ed Milliband
Many further examples on this thread by the Brexit campaigners openly criticising British politics / politicians. The ones they want to empower with the controls which the EU currently have. I just don't get this strange duality of principles.
We can sack British politicians, that's the difference.
But according to most of you Brexiter's there isn't a politician on any party worth a light. We only get the chance to sack them every 5 years.
Quite, Jackdaw. I don’t get why anyone considers it a duality of principles. Far more sensible to empower people we can get rid of – even if we do have to wait 5 years - than the unelected we’re stuck with interminably.
but your empowering the very people who you criticise on a daily basis - are you OK with this?

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