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Keith Vaz - 'let's Get This Party Started'!

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agchristie | 04:43 Sun 04th Sep 2016 | News
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Agchristie....he has had quite a chequed history, what with one this and another !
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He certainly has reading that Mikey but it hasn't affected his majority which has increased as time has gone on!

m. //he has had quite a chequered history//
Who hasn't?
I haven't, Kandro, mine is more like striped. are right about his has increased steadily since 1987 !
He is now saying that he was ''drugged during the disturbing set up''! Oh dear, bit of advice Mr Vaz, when you're in a hole, stop digging!!
I'm with Khandro...I have no interest in what our politicians get up to in their spare time (obviously excluding paedophilia)
I agree with ummmm but would add hypocrisy to the list....especially sexual hypocrisy.
I'm with Khandro...I have no interest in what our politicians get up to in their spare time

Ummmm, if a politician put

'I am married with kids and I like to pay young male prostitutes for sex' on his manifesto you would just think... meh!

Or would it influence you in any way?

/// are right about his has increased steadily since 1987 ! ///

That is no surprise whatsoever, considering that whites are in the minority in Leicester.
If any MP was as candid as that, Talbot, it's unlikely they would get elected.

He's not the first MP caught paying for sex.....and he certainly won't be the last.
are they indeed, AOG? A quick google of Leicester ethic make-up reveals,

"In Leicester City, no one ethnic group is in the majority. The White British (45%) and Indian (28%) are the largest ethnic groups. The remainder of the population comprises a diverse mix of ethnic groups, including White Other (5%), Asian Other (4%), African (4%) and Pakistani (2%)."

Hardly a minority, especially when you add back white other.
I doubt he would but that wasn't my point, Jack.

When people say they don't care what politicians get up to in their spare time I think they are kidding themselves.

/// I'm with Khandro...I have no interest in what our politicians get up to in their spare time ///

Wow how accommodating some can be when the perpetrator happens to come from the left.

I wonder had it had been say, Nigel Farage he would have received the same type of response?
Providing it's not illegal, (only a little bit) immoral and not fattening, I'm not overly fussed......:o)

But hypocrisy is a bugbear of mine.
Talbot; // if a politician put 'I am married with kids and I like to pay young male prostitutes for sex' on his manifesto you would just think..

I'd think, wow! at least this guy's honest.
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To think it was only a few days I ago I asked whether Diane James was fit to lead UKIP because of her 'skeletons'!!

/// Census 2011: White British people now form less than half of the population of Leicester ///

Less than half certainly makes them the minority.
ANOTHEOLDGIT, are you saying white folk vote for white candidates and non-white folk vote for non-white candidates: Muslims vote for Muslims, Hindus vote for Hindus and Christians vote for Christians?
AOG - my answer would be the same regardless.

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