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So you'd like places like Chinatown to wear Union Jack suits, talk in her finest queens English and start selling full English breakfasts?
Lunol, ^that isn't worthy of a considered response.
That was to db tongue in cheek. No need to feel offended on his/her behalf.
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Lunol, I don't 'do' offended.
I don't think it matters what you would like to see. The kids don't see colour and see themselves as the same, they get on with one another, play together,learn together and grow up together sharing different experiences and attitudes until they get home to a parent/carer who doesn't like the idea who then drills it into their heads that they're not the same and whatever else they "Teach" them to segregate them.

^This is the real problem and threat.
And that goes both ways.
Lunol, it goes more one way than the other.
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divebuddy, //The problem is though Lunol, that most of those who want to segregate are the immigrants themselves.//

Exactly! The Koran actually goes so far as to tell its adherents point blank not to mix with those outside the faith.
We should give them time, I saw a program about immigration in the states where groups from different parts of the world would all move to the same communities out of fear and to be amongst their own which is understandable when you see British Ex pats doing the same and many have came from war torn places where they were taught not to trust the west so by welcoming them and being friendly they'll eventually warm to us and integrate in due course just like the Indians,West Indians, Africans and Chinese who emigrated in the 60's 70's who are now interwoven into our great British culture.

Remember integration doesn't happen overnight as much as we'd like it to.
Lunol, Islam is not Indians, West Indians, Christian Africans or Chinese. It is a different culture with a completely different mentality - one that cannot be compared to any other. Make no mistake.
“…all I seen were happy people meeting and greeting,chatting before dispersing.”

Were many of them non-Muslims?

“When were you who belittle East London last there, do you live there or do you just drive through occasionally making notes on litter, the amount of brown faces to white and other little things that appear to annoy you?”

I lived in East London for twenty-four years. I still have many connections there and visit regularly and frequently. I was last there (in Ilford, in fact) a week ago yesterday. It’s not brown faces that trouble me. I don’t care what colour a person’s skin is. It is cultural differences that cause me concern and the top of the list of the cultures that concern me are those exhibited by followers of Islam. When Christian churches chuck out on Sunday morning a mixture of people of all ages and both genders shake the vicar's hand and head off home. When a Mosque in the Barking Road chucks out the congregation which disgorges into the surrounding streets is 100% male, 95% young and they make it clear that the area is “theirs” for so long as they want to loiter there. Bethnal Green is obviously a far more refined area (an area, incidentally, I also know very well but, barring nearby Spitalfields and Brick Lane have not visited for a while). Head east and you may discover a difference. You should not dismiss remarks made by people like me as being made from a position of ignorance. I have a wide experience of living, working in and visiting many areas of London and I speak on the basis of that experience.

“Remember integration doesn't happen overnight as much as we'd like it to.”

That would be comforting if progress was being made. But it clearly isn’t (hence the government’s concern) and as far as some sections of the population go, such progress will never be made.
When (about the early '80's) I raised concerns about the lack of effort towards integration from incomers with my Dad (I was teaching in Bradford/Halifax area) he pooh-poohed me, quoting the numerous waves of immigrants earlier in the century. German - we did great sausages in Bradford - and Polish were examples. I had a row with him and said that the Muslims did not want to integrate. I was right, he was wrong. Wish we'd sorted it out before he died. I earned about them taking over and this is happening in areas. It had happened in Bradford before I left in 2001. Hate feeling like Cassandra.
^^ learned
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/// No problem Lunol....I wish more of our less racist and xenophobic AB members would stick their heads over the parapet ! ///

Spare Ed popped in yesterday to chastise us regarding name calling i.e. anti-Brits etc.

Could we now have a further ban on this type of name calling i.e. "racist and xenophobic AB members"?

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