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Could Anyone Explain Why A 15 Year Old Girl Would Allegedly Brutally Stab A Poor Innocent 7 Year Old?

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anotheoldgit | 11:42 Wed 11th Jan 2017 | News
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AOG - //So for the next couple of years or so, we now ignore this piece of news, that's fine by me but I thought it should have been discussed on AB. //

There's the 'So' rule again!!!

hello rocky careful your dark side is showing!!
I will try once more....what is the point in speculating as to the cause of this tragedy AOG ?
Nobody is suggesting this dreadful piece of news should be ignored. All we can do is express our horror at a little girl's murder and send our condolences to her family and loved ones.

That is all we can do at this stage - it is wrong to speculate as to who and why.
You really need to learn when to bow out with dignity AOG. An attempt to change the subject completely shows you in an even worse light than your previous ramblings.
ag - not really. All I noticed was a few who posted what they'd read on social media.

AOG asking why the child was walking home alone at such a young age or wondering if the mother was late picking her up pointless speculation.
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/// Seriously AOG stop being so childish you are doing yourself no favours! ///

I do not request any favours from the likes of you.

Likes of me what's that then?
We've arrived (mercifully early) at the point where monkeys appear to have taken over a keyboard in an attempt to write Shakespeare and what little self awareness there was, evaporates.
Bravo for your relative brevity.
AOG...I will echo Islay, HC, and Ummmm here...speculation is plain daft, so why are you persisting ?
mikey, AOG has said that he enjoys being a keyboard Sherlock, that is why he persists in speculating. It's a pastime for him.
HC...that makes sense !
hc4361 - //mikey, AOG has said that he enjoys being a keyboard Sherlock, that is why he persists in speculating. It's a pastime for him. //

Then I would suggest he shifts his speculations to something less abhorrent than the death of a small child, and the reasons which may lie behind it.
Andy....can't really disagree with your there.
One has to remember this is the poster who advocated bombing a cinema full of children because they may grow up to be terrorists.

\\\\AOG...I will echo Islay, HC, and Ummmm here...speculation is plain daft, so why are you persisting ?\\\\

I may be daft and it may be fruitless, but it is a natural human reaction to a disturbing stimulus, whether it be murder, rape or indeed the chances of a football team reaching the cup final.
If one had possession of the facts, then it wouldn't be speculation.
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/// AOG, if you can find one, just one, thread which speculated on the outcome of a serious crime on here and came to a correct one, ///

I have never said that I or anyone else on here can come to the correct outcome of this serious crime.

If anyone speculated on anything and came up with the correct outcome, one would either have to be psychic or very lucky.

And may I take this opportunity to say "if anyone finds that it is pointless to join in with the piece of news which I chose to bring to the News Section of AnswerBank, then please feel free to ignore this thread, rather that resorting to your usual rather childish bullying playground tactics.
Sqad....I am sure we will all be better informed when this case comes to Court. But what AOG is being taken to task for is the useless nature of his speculation, not his ability to debate the situation at half time.
That's true Sqad but it doesn't, as AOG claims, 'keeps us from being totally confused as to why such dreadful things are now becoming almost common place.'

that was just a silly claim.
mikey.......speculation MAY be useless......but it should not be ignored on that basis. What is wrong with uninformed speculation when the speculators have no part to play in the final outcome?

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Could Anyone Explain Why A 15 Year Old Girl Would Allegedly Brutally Stab A Poor Innocent 7 Year Old?

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