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Oh My, Megan Markle ?

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anneasquith | 00:59 Sun 15th Jan 2017 | News
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Has Megan markles brother just ruined her chances of joining British royal family , and a life of luxury ?


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Baldric :-)
She is a TV star in her own right and would have this sneering 'life of luxury' without Harry.
Well, they Fergie in, so maybe he has a chance after all !
I don't understand that, Mikey?
Harry should do like his father.......marry somebody "acceptable" and have Megan as his mistress.
And where will he find the time for that? He's a busy person...
^^^ his dad would give him a few tips. you say these things just to be controversial?
^^ sorry, I don't understand that........why should I?

The "mistress" scenario is well established world wide........nothing to do with me and particular so with Royalty.

So I ask again......why am i being controversial?
Because you are constantly advising that it's perfectly acceptable to cheat. Sometimes I wonder if you just say that to get peoples hackles up. It's not like you've been shy in letting us know how much you like to cause a row.
I don't "advice" I just give my opinion...........
Like your posts, people either accept or ignore my opinion.......probably the latter in my case.
Does anybody really care if this woman marries Harry or not ? don't, I don't but many people, mainly women, do.
He is the son of the future king of England and as such, to the Royalists has his name notched on the tree of British history.
Yes, Mikey. Have you not noticed how many people turn out to see the Royals?
nopey ope or yessy-yes !

//The "mistress" scenario is well established world wide........nothing to do with me and particular so with Royalty. //

George II was so upset at the death of Carolina ( I dont like Boetry and I dont like Bainting - German that one ) - she died at length from a ruptured hernia secondary to ca colon I think - that he averred he would never marry again

and she on her death bed said : il y a toujours les maitresses

( zair are always ow-u-say miss-dress ness-par? )

I hoped to say that Young Marckle explained "I was always called Much Marcle when I was young - and she said o that's a weeny village in Herefordshire and there was this magnum near me ... "

Edward VII didnt exactly keep his hands to himself....
and Edward VIII - jesus -
He is an also-ran Sqad. To be honest, I quite like him....I wouldn't mind betting that an evening spent in his company in a Pub somewhere would be very enjoyable indeed ! The younger generation seems to have taken to him especially. He is like a slightly naughty nephew !
yeah and the Germans - prudes all of them - call it Prince Harry disease - the anglo saxon compulsion to take their clothes off when plastered.....
Edward VIII had mistresses?

In the true sense of the word a mistress is someone you keep on after your married. Edward therefore had lovers or to use a modern word girlfriends until he married Mrs Simpson.

Unless of course Peter you know something the rest of the world does not and that you can provide evidence that given your 'oh Jesus' he had loads of mistresses after he married!
mikey....I call it the "one of us syndrome".....the populace like the person to be "one of us."
I don't......the Royal family shouldn't be "one of us"...doctors, Barristers, the clergy and so on shouldn't be "one of us" in my opinion" breeds contempt...or has that tendency.

I learned to play snooker in a working man's club where Labour was the only show in that part of town and when I returned from Med School at half term I headed straight to the Working Men's Club for a game of snooker but got a frosty greeting. The reason? because you are not "one of us anymore."

That's when i started voting Tory GF
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I like royal weddings :-)

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