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A&e Figures For January 'worst Ever', Leaked Data Suggests

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mikey4444 | 09:03 Thu 09th Feb 2017 | News
25 Answers

The worst ever apparently.

Anybody now think that "the NHS is safe with us"


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Amazing response here today, to what is a very serious nationwide problem. Blame the immigrants....again.

Lets hope Mrs May treats it with a bit more concern than the Usual Suspects.
Home Office researchers have assessed for the first time the ground-level impact of immigration on British communities by conducting a survey of local authorities and service providers.
They found that immigrants were likely to lead to longer waiting times at GP surgeries, be involved in anti-social behaviour and create pest control issues because of overcrowding.
Mark Harper, the immigration minister, said: “This report highlights the significant impact high levels of migration have had on UK communities.
"It emphasises the importance of protecting our public services and taking a robust approach against those who come here to exploit our welfare system.
“While we have always recognised and believed in the benefits of immigration, uncontrolled immigration causes a number of problems for the United Kingdom.
BA for YMB!
But the great influx of immigrants who also need also need medical treatment is to blame whether you like it or not ... !
this is from a previous thread on translators.

I work for the NHS and see it every day, we rarely get a translator in but mostly we have to help the patient fill out a triage form to get their free treatment in the emergency dept I work in, all they can say is pain and point, they have an address and but cant read, write and just about understand English.

But somehow they know where to go to get free treatment.

17:50 Sat 21st Jan 2017Report

Sat 21st Jan
webbo3 It is where I work Baldric, Spain, Poland, Russia, Somalia, Eritrea, Romania, Bulgaria, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, China, just some of the countries I see at my desk.


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