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Do You Think This Is Offensive?

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sp1814 | 19:03 Wed 15th Mar 2017 | News
55 Answers
When I first saw the story, I thought so - but I now get what the artist was trying to do.

But it still seems pretty stupid. If you stopped and thought for a second, "How will this come across?" surely you wouldn't put the sign up?


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Well the elephant in the room post

Would he have had the bottle to stick up a 'beware of the Muslim' sign in a Muslim area?

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Jackdaw33's answer at 18:31 is what I was thinking.
To be honest, it's not a very good picture. The person is wearing trousers down to his ankles and his curls (payos) are not showing. I would have struggled to realise that it was supposed to be a Jewish man if the sign had not been placed in Stamford Hill
I thought it was a fat Charlie Chaplain without his cane!
I don't know if he would have done that , maybe someone will ask him.

I know the older folk were never fond of the stooped depictions in the signs warning of crossing OAPs near care homes etc.
Good grief. I know the jews have suffered anti semitism for centuries, but they really should stop crying wolf.

The road sign with elderly people on is not ageist.
The one with schoolchildren on is not infantist.
And this one is not anti semitic because it features a silhouette of a jewish person.
When you see the papers he works for, you could be forgiven for questioning his wide-eyed innocence.
i just watched this on the news, some of those interviewed said they found it very offensive, however one Jewish chap said no he didn;t find it so. I think the artist should have thought before putting it up there however.
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I think the difference with this sign is that it falls outside what we regard as warnings.

If you think of warning signs for horses, cattle or elderly people crossing, you will generally see them in profile - ie. crossing the given carriageway.

This sign doesn't look like that - it looks like (at first glance) 'watch out for Jews'.

If it has been in profile, it would have made more sense.
why should they? don't know the sign but is it something to do with Christianity.
that's a 'plus' not a 'cross'
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You asked:

Why haven't Christians been offended by this one?

Because it's a cross, not a crucifix. The bottom vertical line would have to be longer.

Perhaps a more accurate question would be 'Why haven't the Swiss been offended by this?'
Like many artists they don't stop and reflect on what effect their image may have (perhaps they shouldn't have to)
Being an "older" person I object to this sign~

My OH does not have a stick, and neither of us are bent.

But this one is OK!
Oh yes I like that one!
The trouble now comes in getting my OH to take my hand when we cross the road,and he's too small in the sign. my OH is 6ft 4" and I am barely 5ft! LOL I saw this a while ago - made me laugh
why is it a "beware of" anything sign, Talbot?

What you normally see in such signs are pictures of pedestrians

or workmen opening sun umbrellas

There is no danger from such people. The driver is a danger to them.
Ok delete 'of' (was in hurry to get in shower)
but same question applies.

I have to admit I was looking forward to Gromit's posts, he hasn't let me down ... exactly what I expected.
I also think if the sign was Muslim-Beware you yourself may have had a different view of it, jno ... as would others.
And I still don't see how they are funny, clever or anything else but a waste of space.

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