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Will Europe One Day Have To Fight A War

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emmie | 14:31 Thu 23rd Mar 2017 | News
124 Answers
against many of the adherents who want to do us harm, Islam -
seeing as how Islamic terrorism is not just a one off.


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jno, a necessity – and a sensible one. I have no problem with it. Emmie, Unless a lot of lights go on in a lot of brains, I don’t think we will fight it. If that doesn’t happen, when push comes to shove the liberals who fundamentally dictate the way in which the rest of us should behave, will call it ‘democracy’ and roll over and accept it, all the while...
20:13 Thu 23rd Mar 2017
Good luck on isolating the whole of Northern Ireland then!
SP, I think we do. Islamic schools use as their fundamental guide, the Koran. The Koran forbids friendship between the faithful and the infidel – aka you and me.
Yeah, we could go to war with them in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria.

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i am talking about inter-warfare, across europe, including Britain.
Emmie by doing away with faith schools you may aswell mark them all with a yellow patch as mentioned earlier in this thread.
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if you want your child to learn about God, Allah, or any other, then take them to the appropriate place of worship. I think and have wondered why we have so many faith schools. I don't believe that the teaching of faith should be part of the school curriculum.
There is one on here who thinks it is a crime to racial/religious stereotype.

So if a black person and a white person are standing side by side and one points out that that is definitely a black person, they have committed the crime of racial stereotyping.

And if a Roman catholic person stands next to a Jewish Orthodox person, and one points out the Jewish Orthodox person, then they have committed the crime of religious stereotyping?

How very strange some people are.
Well emmie I believe in freedom and the freedom to attend the school of choice and if that is a faith school then so be it!
What the hell are you on about AOG?
Islay, //by doing away with faith schools you may aswell mark them all with a yellow patch as mentioned earlier in this thread. //

That makes no sense at all. Without faith schools, there would be no separation - at least in education.
Of course there would be separation there is still separation in Northern Ireland of all the schools there is only something like 10% mixed faith!
People would start homeschooling their children so that they could teach them their faith. So your actually making it worse!
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where do the faiths mix but in school. separate schools for one's faith, means you don;t get to meet others of a different faith.

/// What the hell are you on about AOG? ///

a yellow patch as mentioned earlier in this thread.
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lets not go down the Holocaust route please, this i hope is a sensible question. One which doesn't get covered, because to coin a phrase, its the elephant in the room.
Islay, //People would start homeschooling their children so that they could teach them their faith. So your actually making it worse! //

You're becoming irrational. How many Muslim children attend main stream schools? I'll tell you. Thousands upon thousands. Faith schools aren't essential to faith. Churches, synagogues, and mosques are available for that.
Well emmie I believe in freedom and the freedom to attend the school of choice and if that is a faith school then so be it!

Sending a child to a faith school is not freedom of choice for the child.
Did you allow your children complete freedom in all they did Talbot?
Yellow patches, eh?

I think some poorly informed people think they're making a clever point. Not quite as clever as they think, seeing how the idea was thought up 1200 years before the Nazis.
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no indeed, not a lot of choice for the child. But this isn't about faith schools !
middle east oil is important SP but no where near what it was in, for example, the early 70s with the opec game. These days they tend to drop the price for effect rather than increase it. All the ME sources of oil have been mirrored or replaced entirely. Russia, Artica, fracking, Antiarctica etc etc They are just another supplier these days. It would not matter to the west if it dried up entirely.

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