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Do You Go To The Picture House Still?

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youngmafbog | 13:09 Wed 14th Jun 2017 | News
54 Answers
Personally I cant stand the places. I liked to have a beer with mine and sit in a comfy seat without interruption from people all around me so I gave up many years ago. Plus the cost is ridiculous.

Looks like I am not alone, how about AB'ers?


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Not been for 20+ years since my boys were small.
Only very occasionally and only for special movies. I couldn't have waited for DVDs of the Harry Potter films, for example, to come into the shops.
Yes , I still go to the cinemas , on occasions
Mainly to see films like James Bond - in fact the last time I went was to see the last one .

The reason I go is that the sound effects obviously are a million times better than that on your tv ; and films like JB to a large extent rely on the sound effects to enhance the experience .

What I particularily hate is the endless trailers , before the films starts
2010 to see The King's Speech.
Same as sitting in a jacuzzi with strangers, Eleena. I mean, why would you?

Emma Willis is a stranger
Yes go every month
Quite often. Not as much lately. I ended up seeing Star Wars VII three times (including in Imax 3D) and Fantastic Beasts twice. Sometimes the experience is well worth it, although when I really want to watch a film for its own sake then I'll do that quietly at home.
No I don't go and I doubt I will while some oily gonk in California decrees that a good film is a 'reimagining' of garbage from American comics or big eyed cartoon creatures voiced by 'stars' crowbarring lame jokes into no story.

And don't even start on the whole 'reboot' thing. Pretentious marketing of lame repeats.
I LOVE the cinema and I go all the time! I do admit that the current younger generation tend to try and talk all the way through the film but they are soon asked to hush...
The Boss Baby (for the second time) last month :-)
Last time I went was to see Tootsie back in 1982 and the time before that was to see The Exorcist in around 1973 it was a lot longer film back then to the one they show these days. In early 70s the cinema in Veovil had a bar at the back so could grab a pint and see film at same time a much more pleasant experience.
Our local theatre shows films every now and then so we go there, costs about £7. Comfy seats and easy parking.
Prometheus (2012) Blimey! 3-D didn't help the plot much though. I'm not too keen on paying the multiplex prices, there are a few I'd have liked to have seen but I have a rather good set up at home.
Hubby and I went a lot when we were courting. But have not been for years. These days it is the rubbish films. Once I even walked out mid film as it was ***!!!
need to pee every 30 mins so cinema is a make a huge effort for something I want to see . last was Bob

Speaking of cinemas - I drive past this building - the first ODEON cinema in the world - daily , on my way to work .
We normally go once a week - on a Sunday.

The last time our entertainment was impacted by talking or inconsistent behaviour by anyone was about five years ago.

What I have noticed is that shows are very rarely ever sold out - even for 'tentpole' movies (Star Wars, for example). This I put down to the fact that ticket prices are incredibly high, and people know that a film that comes out in January can be seen on streaming services by June.

Two people going to the movies can easily mean a spend of over £50 today. I'm convinced that is a major factor in the downturn in numbers - but the film industry isn't worried by this, because even though cinema audiences may be dwindling, they have other revenue streams (merchandise, DVDs/blu-rays, streamed content) to rely on.
Ahem...inconsiderate, rather than inconsistent.
The last time I went was in 1980 to take my little nephew to see Snow White.
I go very occasionally but too loud for me which takes enjoyment away.

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