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No, Gulliver. What should have happened is: 1. On 24th June 2016, Article 50 should have been triggered, with a statement saying that we are no longer part of the European Union. 2. An announcement made inviting those who want to trade with us to come and talk. 3. A declaration made that we would only pay for what we were absolutely, fully committed to, up to the...
08:04 Mon 04th Sep 2017
I always feel insulted when anyone tries to say that I didn't know what I was voting for when I voted to leave the EU.

I voted for the return of sovereignty, so that laws for the UK were made in the UK by an elected parliament, and not by European bureaucrats, and for freedom of trade restrictions, and the removal of free movement for EU citizens.

Anyone is welcome to disagree with my choice or the reasons, but no-one is entitled to patronise me by inferring that I am too stupid to know what is going on.
Exactly andy-hughes.
Same here ^^^^^
Likewise ^^^^
I feel insulted when I try to explain why I voted to stay. Let's see what happens to our economy eh?
what Stupid Mrs May and her Con party shuld have done ,
1 , Negotiated terms of leaving first.
2, add amendments.
3, Then Apply article 50.
4,Simple as that.
No, Gulliver.
What should have happened is:

1. On 24th June 2016, Article 50 should have been triggered, with a statement saying that we are no longer part of the European Union.

2. An announcement made inviting those who want to trade with us to come and talk.

3. A declaration made that we would only pay for what we were absolutely, fully committed to, up to the point of leaving. Not including the fat-cat pension pot.

4. Simple as that.
Article 50 doesn't work like that.
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ZM we should have made it work like that. BA for Bigbad for being bang on.
It's not possible. It's like phoning your mortgage company and saying 'you know what, I've had enough of this, I'm not paying any more'.
We signed legal documents agreeing to what the A50 process is. We can't just ignore that.
A wee bit of anxiety, panic emerging from the leave campaign ?
It never stops Anne.

Do we need to be taught what Brexit means? Some of us definitely do.
Thanks TTT.
I only felt the need to contribute after reading Gulliver’s post.

I don’t think your analogy works, Zacs-Master. If you abandoned your mortgage payments, then the bailiffs would eventually be sent in. Even the megalomaniacs from the EU couldn’t evict an entire country!

Brexit is a tangled mess, because we are still, to a certain extent, intimidated by the EU.

I don’t need to be taught what Brexit means, I know exactly what I voted for, and all the people who keep saying “told you so” (mostly remainers), cannot state with certainty what would have happened if we had got on with it from day 1.
It wasn't possible to 'get on with it from day 1'. If you voted in the belief it was, then you were deluded as we're quite a lot of leave voters it would seem.
I don't think so, zacs. I would vote out again. I voted for independence - because I think it's the best answer, not because I think it's the quickest and easiest.
Some people are / were under the impression it was going to be easy pixie. It's those people and their ignorant stance I'm challenging.
Zacs-Master @ 9.32.
I don’t believe that for a minute.
No plans were made, because nobody thought it would happen. Plans should have been made.
Instead, Mr. Cameron spat his dummy. Probably because he didn’t have a clue what to do.

And please don’t call me deluded. You remainers seem to love saying “it was always going to be like this” or “I knew this before the vote.” But I don’t recall too many remainers saying so before the vote.

I never thought it would be plain sailing, but I do believe it’s being far more arduous than it needs to be.
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your analogy with a mortgage is completely flawed ZM. It's more like leaving a club, would we have to pay to get out ? No! we've paid our subs up to date.The anti British are just desperate for us to be controlled by a corrupt un elected foreign power and hang on to any process that keeps their delusion alive.
Bigbad 08.04 " No Gulliver " Yes Bigbad !!!!.

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