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Should Hijabs Be Banned In All Primary Schools?

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anotheoldgit | 09:02 Mon 04th Sep 2017 | News
85 Answers

Even Transport for London, thinking that they were acting in a true PC fashion, by including a small Muslim character in their £2million campaign for schools and nurseries, were later forced to withdraw the cartoon.


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The main idea behind a uniform is that is equalises the pupils, particularly rich and poor.

By removing this equalisation you are introducing issues into the school, whether they be bullying or elitism. Schools should be for learning not for scoring political or religious points. And that applies to all religions.
thank you understood
You said that wearing a hhijab doesn't affect you so let them get on with it.
I'm pointing out what an idiotic argument that is.
And if it's school uniform policy, knowing what schools can be like about these things, then there will be cases where they are being forced.
thank you for your concern spicerack most sites have an idiot i'm honoured you deem it to be me thank you
Zacs, if the time comes when the School forces Primary age children to wear a scarf - then that is a thread worthy item.

Not it being an allowed garment on a list.
If it's 'policy' how do you know they aren't being forced?

If the situation warrants the formation of a campaign group, it must be more than 'allowed'.
If they are being forced, I am astounded that there are no reports of it.

I do of course mean Primary Schools overall as in County Primary and CofE - not religious schools which may have their different rules.

I have stated in my own case, both when I was at school and when my daughters were and now their children, the items on the school uniform list were many - thankfully many though allowed were not actually required.

I think the campaign is to get the Hijab removed from the list, that is their right to ask for of course.
I would have loved a campaign to ban my straw boater, I looked stupid in it.
Yes, I rescind my accusation that children were being forced. The campaign simply aims to remove the choice of whether a hijab should be worn. Looks like a bit of an overly PC inclusivist list has been drawn up.
YMB - //The main idea behind a uniform is that is equalises the pupils, particularly rich and poor.

By removing this equalisation you are introducing issues into the school, whether they be bullying or elitism. Schools should be for learning not for scoring political or religious points. And that applies to all religions. //

I am with YMB on this one.

The purpose of uniform is to enforce a school identity, not a religious preference - so by singling out small girls, it sets them aside from their peer group, which negates the purpose of uniform.

So to use an item of uniform to defeat the purpose of wearing a uniform seems bizarre in the extreme.

As I understand it from discussing this with the present Mrs Hughes who works in Abu Dhabi schools on a regular basis, the hijab is only worn by secondary school pupils, and never by primary children.

This seems a combination of parents who want to flaunt their devotion through their small children, even though it is not a proscribed religious observance that a hijab is worn before puberty, and schools who want to be seen as right-on and unwilling to appear prejudiced.

When small girls are marked out as different in order to appease the nonsense from two sets of adults who, by definition, as parents and as educators, should both know better, then something is seriously wrong.
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Peter Pedant

/// Older English women used to wear head scarfs. ///

/// curlers up ere luv
wivva fag dribbling from the mouth - which of course was in full flow all the time in waking hours ///

Yes and such an image surely makes them unattractive to the opposite sex, but it is not fitting for a five year old girl is it?

Exactly the point these objectors are trying to get across.
It used to be very glamorous for ladies to wear headscarves in holywood, so why not little girls?
I remember my granny wearing a headscarf until she passed away - never went out without one on her head!
No Woodbines till they're seven.;-)
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I know that the wearing of the Hijab or headscarf (if you must call it that) is strictly a certain religion's requirement, but where pray is Holywood?
I don't have a problem with hijabs, but feel it's sad some feel they are obliged to wear them. Our society abandoned covering ourselves up excessively, years ago.
It used to be very glamorous for ladies to wear headscarves in holywood, so why not little girls?

Here's an idea ... why not wait until the little girls are old enough to make up their own mind as to wether they wear one or not?
Have you got a loud hailer Ron?
## Nowt wrong with a hijab. I recall spending months wearing a balaclava in the classroom when I was a little un and nobody batted an eyelid ##

In your days we didn't have the problems we have now with terrorist & Muslims!

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