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When Are These Idiotic Anti-Democratic Remoaners Going To Give Up?

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anotheoldgit | 11:31 Sun 10th Sep 2017 | News
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//stir up anti Brexit ideas.//

Are ideas against the law now?
Depends on the idea
whiskeryron . Sort the MPs out?
This is how the MPs registered their positions on June 22nd 2016 the day before the referendum.
You can see which side any MP was on by clicking on the name or constituency. Mrs May was saying that leaving the EU would be a 'disaster' for the UK !
Because the declared intentions of MPs clearly shows, the majority of MPs are Anti Brexit does that mean that the majority of our elected representatives are anti democrative & against the will of the people who put them in power ? Can we therefore expect a fair outcome of Brexit negotiations ?
Perhaps we should hold a snap general election on the principles of Brexit, giving voters an opportunity to support the government's chosen direction or to prefer instead an alternative.

Oh wait, didn't we literally just do one this year?
Quite so Jim so why are we still getting people in high office like Vince Cable leading anti Brexit campaigns ?

Because people voted for him?
Whiskeryron at 13.50 .No it shows that once the referendum result was known the MP's respected that result and proceeded to get us out by triggering A50. But it does not mean they actually want to get us out, I am sure most of them still think the referendum result was wrong.
I am becoming more and more certain that my theory that Mrs May was put into the leadership simply to try but fail at getting out of the EU is actually correct, it started as a joke. That would allow the government to say ''we tried our best to implement the result of the referendum , it's not our fault that it failed''
You seem certain that Johnson was the leader of 'Vote Leave' EDDIE, so I think I will ignore your conspiracy theory for now.

I don't think that's an unreasonable prediction on your part. In fact, it was yet another thing that we all already knew would be likely to happen during the referendum campaign. Even if we didn't know exactly who would end up where, we all knew who the pool of candidates were for actually implementing Brexit, and what their credibility was. The situation we are in now was eminently predictable.

We also knew that the EU leadership would not be likely to give the UK a favorable attitude because (obviously) it's not in their interest to encourage more countries to do the same.

But people voted for it anyway, so we are stuck with it.
It's also not a conspiracy theory. If you look at interviews held with Michael Heseltine - who is probably the most powerful individual person behind the scenes in the Conservative Party - he openly states that his strategy is something very similar to what Eddie is describing.
So you've conceded on the Johnson nonsense then?
Oh, yes, sorry, that was my mistake. I thought he was actually on the board when he wasn't.

He was, however, their most significant spokesman by quite a long way, and did on multiple occasions tout the "Norway option" (which means EEA membership) as a likely outcome.
Talbot, Boris Johnson WAS the leader of 'Vote Leave'
Why do you think otherwise ?
As I said just 8 hours before the referendum he phoned Cameron and offered to change sides and support 'Remain' as long as he got the Tory party leadership as a reward! Cameron turned him down!
EDDIE, sometimes I think you are ever so slightly bonkers.

How can you make a case for BJ being leader when clearly he was not.
He was not the chairman I give you that, but he was the most prominent ,outspoken and most widely quoted/ televised supporter of 'Leave' It was his views more than any of the other Leave committee members that influenced the result. It was BJ who thought up the give back £340 to the NHS slogan on the 'Leave Battle Bus' and it was he who laughingly told the press it was a joke the morning after the referendum result.
Ah you've googled and now know you were wrong.
It was BJ who thought up the give back £340 to the NHS slogan on the 'Leave Battle Bus' and it was he who laughingly told the press it was a joke the morning after the referendum result.

“It was BJ who thought up the give back £340 to the NHS slogan…”

I think you’ve lopped off £349,999,660 Eddie :-). A Freudian slip, or maybe more what you think might happen???? :-) :-)

And attributed the slogan to the wrong man.

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