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Why Should Being Gay Be A Sackable Offence In The Us?

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sp1814 | 20:42 Wed 04th Oct 2017 | News
72 Answers
This is a bit of a convoluted story, but the gist seems to be that the Department of Justice is really going for this:

Why? Surely this doesn’t sit right with most people, no matter what their political persuasion.

Is there anyone on AB who thinks this is justified? Or reasonable? Or..,not mental?


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Jackthehat 's link explains it better , just using the I'm gay excuse to avoid being convicted of sexual assault. Don't see how it got this far , the case should have been thrown out .

It reads to me like a 'buddy-jump' and he has tried to allay her (and her boyfriend's) fears by telling them that he was gay and that any physical contact was therefore necessary rather than 'taking advantage of the situation'.
7 years ... it has been going on 7 years. Why?

Without knowing very much about the story AB has deemed it all Trump's fault.

7 years?
'ermmm it "homophobe" unless Trump is sound that is identical to another sound'
Believe it or not, that's exactly what I typed, woof.
My fine changed it for some strange(possibly PC) reason.
'Why the inverted commas around pupil by the way?'

Well, Eddie, he was an instructor and I believe the novices are called pupils.
Didn't want to give the impression that he groped a schoolgirl.
I'm blaming whoever has set this idea rolling.
Why wasn't it settled in the 6 years of Obama's America?

Let's be honest, even SP knew we weren't getting the full story.
With his 'convoluted story' and 'the gist seems to be'.
Lol, nice try, SP, but no cigar.
Inverted commas don't really work with eddie,...... Spice he just sees them as a way to deliberately misunderstand.
The law is ambiguous and needs changing ... again, why wasn't it changed or steps taken to change it under Obama's administration?

Or maybe steps had been taken ... anyone?

I am arriving late to this debate but is anybody remotely surprised by this ?

If the people of America voted in someone like Trump, then surely this is exactly what they should have expected.
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The full story isn’t the story of this particular case, but the stance of the Department of Justice. It’s arguing that Title VII of the 1964 act does not provide protection to gay employees.

When I wrote that it’s a bit of a convoluted story, I wasn’t referring to Zarda’s case, but to the fact that you had two government agencies which presented to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, then the question of gender being raised, and then finally the fact that the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit ruled that the provision (in the 1964 Act) does cover sexual orientation.

But the bottom line is that the DoJ are arguing that someone can be sacked because of their sexual orientation.
It's all way outside my pay grade, SP.
As such, I'm easy about who 'wins'. Certainly sounds like something that needs sorting one way or t'other.
Just wanted to refute some of the spin. You could be forgiven for thinking his boss saw him coming out of a gay club one night and sacked him the next day.
And Trump has waded in because he hates gay people. (See some of the answers)
If only it were that simple.
It's a convoluted case which will set a precedent.
I can't see how this is Trump's fault. This man was sacked in 2010.
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naomi24 - no, I don’t see the link to Trump. The story refers to Trump’s Department of Justice, but that’s disingenuous. What makes it current is that whilst the case happened in 2010, Zarda is dead...but the case being heard is a general point of law that doesn’t affect Zarda, but (potentially) all gay employees in America.
SP, yes, I realise that - and I agree. It is disingenuous to refer to it as Trump's Department of Justice, but it doesn't surprise me.
//If the people of America voted in someone like Trump, then surely this is exactly what they should have expected//

The usual ill informed guff..........and so early.
/// daft, but that's Trump's America. ///

/// Trump seems to be caught in some sort of time warp. ///

/// Trump's America is the bad old days. ///

/// If the people of America voted in someone like Trump, then surely this is exactly what they should have expected. ///

All typical responses from the anti-Trump Brigade, why even the Left-Wing Independent worded their headline:

/// Donald Trump's Justice Department ///

Why not just; "America's Justice Department"?
Well found, Talbot.
Personally speaking, if someone told me things weren't working out, I'd be gone. (Whether I thought I deserved the sack or not.)

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