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Looks Like The E U Are Bricking It...

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ToraToraTora | 15:39 Wed 27th Dec 2017 | News
119 Answers
"There are reportedly fears on the EU side that a post-Brexit British economy, freed from the burden of EU regulation, will be able to suck jobs and investment out of Europe." - pity the VB over here don't have the same confidence in Britain that the EUSSR seem to have.


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"Must be a gift to find one idiot got something wrong once and try to claim that proves it was a promise/policy, but it can only fool the already converted."

Is that why my link includes both Boris Johnson and Liam Fox (at what appears to be a press conference) with the same message in the background?

> It was always the obvious indisputable truth

Clearly not indisputable, as this thread demonstrates. Or are you accusing the liberal elite of being thick?
Anybody who cast their vote based on what they saw on the side of a bus needs their bumps felt. Please give "Leave" voters a little more credit. I made my mind up on what I had experienced of the EU over forty years, not what I saw on the side of a bus in 2016. It's time to put the "bus" nonsense to bed.
No one is claimng the bus won it.
They are saying the central message of the Leave campaign was based on a lie. You may not have been taken in by it, but I expect plenty were.
One can dispute anything but it doesn't count if the refusal to accept something is unreasonable.

I'd not be so rude as to point out such a thing about any liberal elite. But in any case they are probably slyly looking after their own interests by lying to the less intelligent members of society, knowing they won't even check what is written on a large bus right in front of their eyes before repeating the nonsense rumour told them.
Surely the message on the bus was simply that £350 billion could be better spent at home rather than be poured into the Brussels trough.
They are claiming the central message of the Leave campaign was based on a lie when they know that is untrue. Since the claimed lie didn't exist, no one could be taken in by it. And no one is being taken in by the false claim that it ever existed now.
// Since the claimed lie didn't exist, no one could be taken in by it. And no one is being taken in by the false claim that it ever existed now. //

I am happy to keep posting this for as long as you are in denial£350+million&client=safari&;hl=en-gb&prmd=vin&source=lnms&;tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj_8rerl63YAhVKBMAKHUaaDj0Q_AUIEigC&biw=768&;bih=945
"They are saying the central message of the Leave campaign was based on a lie."

The campaign was riddled with lies, falsehoods, half-truths and misinformation and they were not confined to the Leave camp. As I said earlier, voters must expect politicians to lie to them. It's what they do. It is the voters' job - in fact their duty - to determine the way they vote despite campaigns led by those politicians and if they rely on what they are told they have only themselves to blame.

Politicians may promise you the Earth. When they get into power they might provide you with half a hundredweight of unsieved topsoil if you are lucky. But they will insist they have kept their promise.
NJ 28th June 2016

// The “£350m” claim was never, as far as I can see, made in so many words. //
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gromit: "No one is claimng the bus won it.
They are saying the central message of the Leave campaign was based on a lie" - what lie? we have already established that there was no lie on the bus, so what lie is it based on?
Not a lie, merely a suggestion.
NJ 28th June 2016

// The “£350m” claim was never, as far as I can see, made in so many words. //

And your point is?

I still maintain that point of view. The bus advert to me was done simply to illustrate how much of taxpayers' dosh was being handed over (and I think the £350m per week is about right). It doesn't matter how much is kindly returned. The suggestion was that better things could be done with it.

If people now believe that was a lie that's their prerogative. I simply point out that virtually all politicians tell lies and voters should be aware of that. Too much emphasis is being placed on this particular lie (or half truth or whatever you want to call it). If the legitimacy of any vote was to be questioned on the basis that lies were told by the interested parties virtually none would be found valid.
Haha. As I keep saying........remooners..........back on the bus. :))
NJ, didthe Leave campaign team have posters and billboards that said, "Let's give our NHS the £350 million the EU takes every week" yes or no?
Gromit, did you fail to see the response, or are you unable to see that posting the same picture umpteen times doesn't advance your argument ?

ITo recap, in the event that it isn't fake news (which seems unlikely given that the remainers continually said the bus had the claim written on it, and never that some poster they'd seen did) then it is blatently clear, given the uncountable times that the leave campaign had the deny the lie after being accused, that any poster stating it (no matter how many times pictures are posted of it) it has to be an error on someone's part: and be completely clear to all that, that would inevitably be the only rational explanation. I hope that clarifies as I'm unsure how more simple I can make it.

But if it amuses you, post a further pageful or two of links to it. Heck, knock yourself out, post 10,000 of them. It's still going to be irrelevant. To state the truth again, Leave never had a policy of giving all the EU sub to the NHS, and wishful thinking on remainers' part doesn't change that.
... To recap, in ...
> If people now believe that was a lie that's their prerogative.

"Now"? Those that recognised it for the lie that it was, including you it seems from other posts, always recognised it as such, even before the vote.
"The bus advert to me was done simply to illustrate how much of taxpayers' dosh was being handed over"

That's the case to anyone who speaks/reads English. Although many seemed to make out otherwise because it suited them.
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TCL: "NJ, didthe Leave campaign team have posters and billboards that said, "Let's give our NHS the £350 million the EU takes every week" yes or no? " - well they had the bus so probably there was a poster, stating the amount and making a suggestion as to what could be done with it instead of giving ot to the EU. Not sure why you refuse to see that this is a statement followed by a suggestion. Is English your first language?

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