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Asian Grooming Gangs

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Jahulaye | 06:56 Fri 09th Mar 2018 | News
41 Answers
Without being offensive or racist.

What is the reasons that the paedophiles in question only target Caucasian females and not Asian, blacks etc...?


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Cassa, there will always be exploitation, but looking for reasons other than the real reason is like saying that in order to prevent shop-lifting shops shouldn’t display their wares on open shelves. The bottom line is the thief is responsible for theft just as the groomer is responsible for grooming. Acknowledging anything less diminishes ultimate responsibility.
Interesting to note once again that some of our ABers are reluctant to put the blame on Muslim men or Pakistani men, much easier for their agenda to call them 'Asian'.

Once the old saying was "Don't go out on the streets tonight, because the boggy man will get you".

Now it seems that it is, "Don't go out on the streets tonight, because the Muslim men will get you".
because they are not all Pakistani men, so Asian is the best they can come up with. They are not all Asians either, some African men in their too. I would throw the book at them.
Predominantly Pakistani
Predominantly Muslim
I wonder how good a Muslim they pretend to be. Do they go to mosque, do they pray 5 times a day...etc etc.

I find it hard to comprehend that they feel no guilt.
ummmm, //I find it hard to comprehend that they feel no guilt. //

Why would they when in their heads what they do is justified? I don't doubt they consider themselves to be good Muslims.
/// I wonder how good a Muslim they pretend to be. Do they go to mosque, do they pray 5 times a day...etc etc. ///

You could say that regarding the Muslim Terrorists, and yes most of them do go to the mosque so as to receive their doctoring.
It's a mindset I just cannot understand. Many of these men have wives and children. Can they not look at these young girls and imagine it being their own daughters. It's sickening.
i wonder that the families don't disown them, but that is never ever spoken about.
ummmm, don’t forget that many of these men deem post-pubescent girls marriageable, so don’t consider them to the children.
*to be children*
Naomi //....the thief is responsible for theft just as the groomer is responsible for grooming. Acknowledging anything less diminishes ultimate responsibility. //

True. It also makes one look like a slimy apologist and victim blamer.
Ludwig, that's the impression I get too.
When the Pakistani men came over in the 50/60s they didn't have their families to start with. After a while they began to look for female company and at that time there were plenty of white girls willing to accommodate them.The girls found the Pakistanis different, exciting and what's more they had more money than lots of the local lads. That's when P**** bashing started ,at least where we lived . It wasn't the colour of their skin but the fact that the local girls were in some cases throwing themselves at the Pakistanis. That 's when the white girls started to be known as 'white trash'. Unfortunately the label still sticks.
andres, you need to go further back in time than that. Try about 1500 years.
You may well be right Naomi . I don't know what it was like centuries ago .I can only speak from personal experience .
//It wasn't the colour of their skin but the fact that the local girls were in some cases throwing themselves at the Pakistanis. That 's when the white girls started to be known as 'white trash'//

An excellent point and very well made, Andres.
-- answer removed --
I can't remember in exactly which post I mentioned it, but I applauded Anne Cryer (who was castigated for speaking the truth) and mentioned the problem in Keighley. It was known well before 2003, in the '90s to my knowledge - as was the habit of the 'elders' going around houses at election times and pointing-out where to put a cross on postal votes, before collecting the ballot-papers. Yes, I was told that as if it were an accepted normality, by a Pakistani teenager. Yes, I did pass it on. I'm not a Labour voter, but Anne Cryer was a brave and good M.P.. Like Ray Hunniford, she suffered for speaking the truth.

The reason is that non-Muslims are not considered as worthy of respect.
Just for the record v_e ,I did not remove your answer.

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