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Spoons To Help Prevent Forced Marriage

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naomi24 | 12:05 Fri 13th Jul 2018 | News
74 Answers
//A school is attempting to tackle forced marriages by handing out spoons to urge students to hide them in underwear to trigger metal detectors at airports.
Pupils at the Co-operative Academy in Leeds have been told to hide the cutlery there if they fear they are being taken overseas to be married.
It will trigger metal detectors at airports, allowing them to raise the alarm with security staff privately.//

Education is the answer …. Isn’t it?


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NOt a wind-up was on Look North last night.
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spath that's part of the problem....allegedly such marriages happen in the school holidays when contact with the school is lost until september.
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//so if they go abroad, it may be legal//

were this couple wrongly convicted then?
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//Different cultures.. if we don;t live them we can't comment i feel. //

But we must, surely, when something is so very wrong. No?
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these marriages are ruse to get fake husband to the uk, and he gets to rape a british citizen with no recourse to the law and still get into the uk...backward culture, that should never have been let into the uk.
"some people were forced into marriages and said it's the best thing that could have happened to them"

Stockholm syndrome ?
"why do we care"
Presumably you don't. Others feel a connection with humanity.
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Spath, //some people were forced into marriages and said it's the best thing that could have happened to them.//

Who said that?

//There is a law that protects people in UK from being married off//

Legally, yes, but don’t believe it doesn’t happen. Many Muslims here are married in Islamic ceremonies.
//if they're not from the UK, or being married in the UK, why do we care?//

I trust you’re joking.
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Spath, I don’t take offence on behalf of anyone, but fortunately I am in possession of an instinctive moral code that tells me practices like forced marriage, the subjugation of woman, and FGM are utterly immoral.
Being forced against your will is far different to having your sexual partner arranged for you by your parents.
Any parent found guilty of such an offence, should have their British passport taken from them.

We don't need the likes of them in our country.
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Spath, so do not mind them bringing that mindset to the uk, as you said outside our borders...mmm its not, its thriving in parts of the uk
and growing mini ghettos and some are getting seats of power and influence in politics, less we offend certain cultures...heard that one.
maybe you would like a free for all, out of site out of mind, but not in my back yard, blind leading the blind,, inavasive cultural ideas is invasive, specially where women are considered less then.
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