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£1 - Sir Isaac Newton £5 - Duke of Wellington; George Stephenson; Elizabeth Fry; Winston Churchill £10 - Florence Nightingale; Charles Dickens; Charles Darwin; Jane Austen £20 - William Shakespeare; Michael Faraday; Sir Edward Elgar; Adam Smith; (JMW Turner - in 2020) £50 - Sir Christopher Wren; Sir John Houblon; James Watt & Matthew Boulton; Seems...
15:51 Sun 14th Oct 2018
Great suggestion, jack. And it fits with having someone not so well known on the £50, like Houblon
Brilliant, and there are many more who deserve a place.....Tilly Shilling who was an amazing engineer in the war, saved pilots lives by changing the spitfire engine: Mary Wollstonecraft who pioneered women's education in the 1700s; Helen Bamber who worked with child survivors in the Holocaust; Margaret Damer-Dawson who founded the Womens Police Service; Caroline Harriet Haslett, an electrical engineer and many and so few bank notes.
all worthy contenders JtH and Jeanette, but none tick the "diversity" box.
i have never touched a £50 note in my life, so i couldnt care either way
As others have said, there are a few question-marks about Mary Seacole - worthy though her efforts were, she was a business-woman. I would think Edith Cavell should be a major contender, she lost her life for her country after all, out of a sense of duty.
Agree about Edith Cavell also what about Violette Szabo.
Never heard of her but as long as whoever it is isn’t a paedophile, murderer or general bad person I don’t really care who is on the notes.

We do not need a £50 note, hardly anyone uses cash anyway.

Unless it's tradesmen who prefer 'cash in hand', for some reason.
Yes, Violette Szabo is another courageous and worthy woman.

In the name of diversity there have also been some courageous and worthy men.
Not arguing about that AOG - that list would be huge. The thread seems to be about a suitable female candidate, however, so I responded in kind.
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We haven’t seen the list. Maybe there are men on there too but as ‘the folding stuff’ has tended to be dominated by men, therefore, to diversify, a woman may well be chosen.
ANOTHEOLDGIT, there's £68,899,000,000 in banknotes in circulation so there must be a fair few folk using them.
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Nah, they’re all under folk’s mattresses.
£1 - Sir Isaac Newton
£5 - Duke of Wellington; George Stephenson; Elizabeth Fry; Winston Churchill
£10 - Florence Nightingale; Charles Dickens; Charles Darwin; Jane Austen
£20 - William Shakespeare; Michael Faraday; Sir Edward Elgar; Adam Smith; (JMW Turner - in 2020)
£50 - Sir Christopher Wren; Sir John Houblon; James Watt & Matthew Boulton;

Seems like the balance has been firmly in the favour of 'noteworthy' men....
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‘Noteworthy’. Love it. BA, JTH.
You've forgotten the Queen, jack.
limited sympathy for Cavell: medical staff are meant to be non-partisan. When they start smuggling soldiers out, they endanger all medical staff. Some historians think she was a spy, too.
Thank you Spicerack,I was going to mention that a woman has been on every bank note since the 1950's.

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Mary Seacole On New £50 Note?

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