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News Section Seems Boring.

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anotheoldgit | 12:24 Fri 02nd Nov 2018 | News
101 Answers
Has anyone else noticed that it has been rather boring on the news section these past few days?


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//We'll be able to taunt //
Perhaps that's why people have stopped posting because you don't post subjects to get opinions but to taunt
And what you post isn't up for discussion.. your opinions are set in stone. It's futile to constantly "discuss" topics like islam grooming gangs. Most of the time we have collective onions but people come from different angles.
We can only talk about what's in the news. If people don't like what others are posting they should start a thread on something they're happier with.
The discussions can only reflect what's in the news, so if they're boring and repetitive, it's because the same things keep cropping up as news stories.
"If people don't like what others are posting they should start a thread on something they're happier with."

people can say what they want, but when opinions are depicted as facts, especially in a pompous manor then what's the point? It's futile.
Same as Kval,,,it's become too repetitive.
Cross posted there Naomi, but yes, if people are fed up of seeing the same stuff, they should find a story that's different and start a thread on it.
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spath, You really can't expect people to respond in a way that suits you personally so if your feelings are that delicate perhaps it's best you don't post in News. The place can be a minefield for the overly-sensitive.
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/// I am not sure why news should be expected to be
entertainment? ///

It is not the news that is entertaining, it is the debating on the various news stories that is entertaining.

But if the choice of news item is boring and thus the ABers find them boring so as not to join in, then all is lost and we are then left to yawn.
It's not just that, Ludwig, it's the rhyming slang, made up abbreviations, the constant mentioning of muesli munching yogurt's become beyond tedious.
too many ninnies getting there Alans in a Brahms all the time.
What implies i'm overly sensitive Naomi? I just don't have time in my life for futile "discussions". Why discuss anything with someone who's opinions are set in stone?
I agree Ummmmm. Antagonistic responses, it's a troll attitude to wind people up.
//Most of the time we have collective onions but people come from different angles.//

And that's shallot. :-)
did that put a 'spring' in your step retro? ;)
spath, //Why discuss anything with someone who's opinions are set in stone? //

It's not obligatory.
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// It's not just that, Ludwig, it's the rhyming slang, made up abbreviations, the constant mentioning of muesli munching yogurt's become beyond tedious. //

Stay out of it then. You cannot control what other people say, or how they say it. It's not a private club, it's the internet, open to the world. It'd be a shame if you stayed away, but ultimately that option is open to you.
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