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The Noes Have It

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vetuste_ennemi | 20:42 Tue 15th Jan 2019 | News
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..what now? May talks Let's find out?


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//In the traditional recipe for a martini the olive is typically green, isn't it? sometimes stuffed and invariably shafted.//

Yes V.E......then you swirl it around for effect and discard it with the garbage.
It depend where you do your "polls" Jim. Watch this space.
//What now? Second Referendum or no Brexit ?, either will do me. //

…..and if the electorate have the naked audacity to provide a wrong answer again? a third? fouth? fifth? at what point would defeat be admitted gulliver?
mush don't feed him!
In Tomorrows Vote of No Confidence, May will decisively win.
So despite the huge defeat for her plan, it will still be down to May to try again.
She will fail again, and we will crash out messily, rather than orderly.
at what point would Farage have admitted defeat, mushroom? He rashly said in advance that if Brexit was defeated 52-48 he would fight on. Any reason why remainers shouldn't do the same?
Well, like I say, Togo, this is essentially every poll, and the margin of error would need to be huge in order for that to swing into a UKIP government. I can certainly believe that their poll numbers could rise in the coming months, but not to the heights required to win anything more than a handful of seats.
Or we could delay article 50 for a couple of years while we get sorted.
When the PM said she was “not running down the clock” to March 29 was she actually ruling out “No Deal”?
I’m not so sure. There’s a difference between not running down the clock on the one hand and bumbling along with failed alternatives until one day “whoops” we find it’s March 29. One implies a strategy ...

Taking that option off the table would be a good first move tho
There’s more chance of that deal rising from the dead by next Monday than there is of UKIP winning a general election. I take it that was a joke.
In fact there’s more chance of a dead person doing so ...
I think its a mistake to bellow to the world that, "no deal," is not an option.
This is Britain showing its hand to the EU already!
Quite poor negotiating skills.
gromit 20:50 - hope so.
One thing that i have had confirmed tonight is that Boris Johnson is mad. His suggestion to the P.M is to extract the Northern Ireland backstop, take the amended document back to Brussels and say:

"There you are, cop this lot, without the section on the N.I backstop and I can get this through the UK parliament."
What planet is he on?
Good fun tomorrow.
It is every "poll" that you care to take note of Jim, is all. Are you aware of what has been happening at grass roots of late, whilst the two self orbiting voting options have been "otherwise engaged"? As I said, there may well be a very definitive third option at the next G.E.
In passing have you read the latest opinions emanating from British research organisations about the likely effect on their "institutions"? You know the ones that you insisted were doomed and condemned to obscurity if Brexit was achieved. Seems that they do not keep you in the loop Jim Lad. Still all you research appears to be conducted here nowadays. (^_*)
Re Boris Johnson, he had an idea that a land bridge from N Ireland to Scotland would solve the backstop issue.
So he’s been flirting with cloud cuckoo land for some while
well that's the only way it'll pass sqad. This is a massive kick up the backside for the EU really. They now know that their non deal is dead as a dodo, they'll have to cede something or no deal brexit is on the cards.
he should have stuck to small unworkable bridges.
Well, Togo, as I say I can be prepared to be surprised. But polling errors of this size simply don't happen; even in the worst case scenarios, and those have largely vanished lately, the errors are maybe 5% of the electorate. You're talking about something six or seven times that. I wouldn't get your hopes up. But if a GE does emerge from this, and UKIP somehow magically gets its act together and breaks -- name your lower limit -- then I'll be happy to eat my words.

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