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Where's Jezza?

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ToraToraTora | 10:09 Thu 17th Jan 2019 | News
114 Answers
He's been wanting to get involved for years, now he gets the invite he's done a runner!


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Think she needs to bring David Cameron on board as her personal adviser ?
Spath, she has asked the other leaders to meet with her in order to get their views on what to include in any proposed plan.This is not being puerile, it is being pragmatic.
Because she doesn't have what it takes.

Remember, i once said "i'm more down the middle, bit left, bit right" someone said to me you can't be down the middle.. it's impossible.

Not the tories want help from labour and the rest of em??

Nah they'r the most pompous party now they need help because they can't organise a party in a barn.

"So typical of AB. Old guard. Your leader is rubbish , but let's find another scapegoat to take the pressure of TM. That fellow corbin........ He'll do . :-)"

Bang on.
She has 100's of people in her party. Yet she wants to talk to the leaders of the oppositions?

Says it all dun't it.

What garbage Anne.

Finally Treason has started to do what I always said should be done: A cross party 'committee' + Farage. Calling COB out is the best thing she has done in years. The EU will not give a deal, why people cant get that by now is beyond belief. I suspect COB does know this though and that is why he is reticent in coming forward. In addition saying no deal is already off the table is a foolish move in any negotiation. I'm guessing Comrade COB does not play poker.

"Jeremy has no obligation to her."

No, but he has a big obligation to his core voters that voted out - and there were plenty of them. He ignores them at his peril.

spath, //Jeremy has no obligation to her. //

She is not inviting him to talk about her.
Anneasquith, //let's find another scapegoat to take the pressure of TM. That fellow corbin........ He'll do . :-) //

What nonsense! Mr Corbyn is an appalling little man but he can’t, and won’t, be held responsible for this charade.
Anneasquith, any chance of an answer to my post at 09.39?
Don't hold your breath, danny.
09.52 + 09.53. Spot on Spath.
Yes, spot on. Leaders of all parties along with other parliamentarians will meet without Jeremy Corbyn. Great representative you have there, Gulliver. ;o)
In sorry Danny. I would think it would be of benefit to have a discussion with one's cabinet prior to a very important meeting . TM . Maybe should have included her cabinet more in the last few years :-)
May has proved useless, but one suspects she was handed an impossible task; to get a deal with an unwilling EU and then find it was acceptable to both the Leavers and Remainers (not that the Remainer MPs should still be trying to remain, but politicians seem to be an immoral lot, no matter what they claim they went into politics for). Foolishly she ended up trying to please both those supporting democracy and those against it, and her agreement with the EU "fell between 2 stools", and was predictably liked by no one.

However Corbyn likes to hint he's for leaving, whilst leading a party that is clearly for remaining; and is demanding that since there is no possibility of a decent deal, he wants no-deal removed as the option as well. Pushing for this "limbo" indicates he is hoping to run into a withdrawal od Brexit or a second referendum in the hope of stopping it then, or possibly the unachievable hope of continuous procrastination. So clearly he would be many times worse when it comes to Brexit issues, than May has proved to be.

Regardless what one thinks of them and their parties for other matters, Brexit is the one off major issue now and needs to be the priority since one may not get another chance at getting it as right as possible. This means the Tories have to stay in power, and the MPs have to understand that this is a democracy and they have to deliver that which has been demanded, not try to persuade us to allow them not to. Leave means "leave", not "leave if we have a nice enough deal, otherwise not", nor "leave in name only so we don't have a say but still get dictated to by a foreign power group".
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//Merkel tells May there IS still time to negotiate://
Merkel is not the EU; and I suspect she is only considering clarifications (unless she has changed her mind and going to scrap the existing nonsense).
IT's not just Jezza that will not talk to her, the EU do not want to talk to her either.
Let's just scrap Brexit , it would be a lot easier.
Naomi. I object to you telling Danny ( not TO hold his breath ) after he asked me a question . Show me evidence where I have not replied to a legitimate question from legitimate abers .?
At this point in time the EU are irrelevant. They will not give to anyone from the UK. COB and the labour party are deluded if they think otherwise. However, I suspect COB is not as stupid as he appears and knows this which is why he does not want to put his money where his mouth is.

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