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And So The Carnage Continues, 45 Murders In London This Year So Far.

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anotheoldgit | 11:18 Wed 08th May 2019 | News
59 Answers

It is often said, "nothing unusual, we just get to know about them more easily these days".

Not so really, why? Because in this case this murder was reported half way down this paper's web page, the headlines? Yes you've got it the Sussex's baby.



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zax - you are a narty narty bye
and should not torment octogenarians on Ab by repeating their more dumb betises and asking them to comment ....
Andres, i'm not sure why you're saying that.. but i'm confident in myself that i'm not being stupid.
Oh I think everyone knows what I’m saying, AOG. Everyone but you. 11 years you’ve been banging on about ‘carnage’.
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/// What do you intend to do about it, AOG? ///

It is not my place to do anything about, even if I could.

There are people who get vast salaries and who's job it is to do something about it.

But then the vast amount of crime has been imported into this country and the authorities are wary to address the problem, in case they are labelled racist.
‘the vast amount of crime has been imported into this country’

And there we have it, folks. AOGs old axe being ground. Must be like Triggers broom.
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/// Best sell my Adidas and Nike shares. ///

I wish to add that Adidas and Nike make other items of clothing and footwear.
Do they! I had no idea (he said, glancing down at his trainer socks with a tick logo on them).
Andres, have they banned the burka?
-- answer removed --
AOG old boy
I read out your pensees to my frenz
and they roar with laughter
many thanks
another statistic..people go mmm and, kinda sad
piggynose---Why don't you google 'banned clothing' and I don't mean the clothes company. The number of clothing items banned in various countries would surprise you.
For instance---Bhutan,Uganda, France, North Korea, Chechnya, Barcelona/Mallorca, Russia, Greece, To mention just a few. All of these countries ban different items of clothing. If I'm not mistaken the burkha is banned in some of the stores in London after the shoplifting that went on a few years ago.
pp- I don't know how old you are but can we have a bit less of the sniping at octogenarians??
Certain that resins don’t give a crap about the victims of knife and gun crime.

They only reference to promote their foul ideology.
‘Certain persons’

Thank you Autocorrect, you maniac.
I'm a middle aged women and I wear hoodies almost daily. Not for a night out though!!!
So bring back capital punishment which is the greatest deterrent to major crimes .Although Parliament banned it, there was a national newspaper poll which said 95% of the votes said there should be hanging
The Daily Mail by any chance?
gollob - // So bring back capital punishment which is the greatest deterrent to major crimes . //

The countries in the world that have it would beg to differ with you gollob.

It's a nice idea, but it is just an idea - it has no basis in statistical evidence.
Reinstate the death penalty, or keep on reading about the murders and go tut tut.
I am very familiar with the arguments against, but to quote from Corporal Jones, They don’t like it up em....
Harsh answer to a harsher crime.

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