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Who are you trying to kid A-H. Barely had aog finished his OP title you zeroed in on it soon as you saw who posted it.I am surprised you were pipped to 2nd place such is your zeal to have ago at aog. you wrote this //My criticism is not the validity of the story, it is your sweeping generalisation that 'it's all down to … (insert your pet hate here - Muslims, blacks,...
13:28 Fri 16th Aug 2019
Says it all doesnt it.
Another "chicken-shop" story:
Some people are crying foul.
So e people don't want anything that might help reduce the problem, it seems. But are happy to moan about such efforts.
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/// I believe you have missed my point. ///

/// My criticism is not the validity of the story, it is your sweeping generalisation that 'it's all down to … (insert your pet hate here - Muslims, blacks, black Muslims, etc.) - ///

I have not missed your point at all, since in your usual snide and cowedly way you have once again accused me of being a racist.

It is only you that has brought race and religion into this thread, which says much more about you that it could ever be said about me.
This is getting beyond ridiculous.
I typed many. Now I see a single e was substituted when I wasn't looking.
It read fine when I checked it.
// No good warning the kids about these groomers then,//

umm no - andy didnt say that - but lets pretend he did, coz its funnier !
he said I think that it was an oversimplification

are we really saying that bribing kids to do thingss
is completelly new and no one has ever seen it before ?

if it is aanswerban then the answer probably is 'YES'
// /// My criticism is not the validity of the story, it is your sweeping generalisation that 'it's all down to … (insert your pet hate here - Muslims, blacks, black Muslims, etc.) - ///

er I am sorry - black morons - brown skinned murderers - wacky salafists, terroreesten, Hmeema Begum, that dead baby
have ALL been carelessly omitted from the pick-list

there's AB for you ! [ careless in the big picture and more careless in the smallll)
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/// I personally don't 'attack' AOG, but I will robustly defend myself if he has a go at me, ///

You continuously attack me just as others like you do.

I will then 'have a go' at those who do.

Take this thread in particular, I choose to enter a news item and then some attack me and the headline that I have chosen.

You said it's all down to chicken shop grooming, what exactly is the "it" you're referring to?
However others discussed it fairly and pointed out it's gone on a long while and advised to warn young people about being gullible and getting sucked in by bribes and flattery.
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"Don't shoot the messenger"

Perhaps some would be better employed attacking the newspaper report rather than me?
If someone disagrees with the headline or the content of a report, would they not say so when posting the question?
ANOTHEOLDGIT, do you not agree with the newspaper report?
Plenty of nuggets in the chicken shop gangs.
Yes, have we identified what 'it' is?

Anyone ever see 'Oliver'?
Seen bits of it, how?
On TV or in the cinema, originally.
I was merely perplexed that AOG seems to think this type of grooming is a new thing.
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/// ANOTHEOLDGIT, do you not agree with the newspaper report? ///

I agree that it might be one reason for the youngsters getting mixed up with drug gangs but not the whole reason.

When I read this, I just thought that it was just yet another slant on the widespread problem of drug gangs on our streets, so I entered it up for discussion.
Why some chose to attack me rather than address this latest report, only those know.

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It's All Down To "chicken Shop Grooming"

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