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74Yr Old First Time Mother

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MWG14 | 18:35 Fri 06th Sep 2019 | News
52 Answers
I see that a 74yr old Indian woman has given birth to twins after IVF treatment. Her husband is 80 and they were married in 1962.

Surely this can't be right?


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Sharks have a good sense of smell, even the slightest stink. When you've had your thirty seconds in bed, don't forget to get up at 1.00am to get the last word in. :) :) opps
FGS why ?
I read that the clinic did not charge for the IVF because the did not think it would be a success!!

I will leave the last word to you teacake, but don't expect to be impressed tbh.
"It is all in the hands of God"

Not if you use IVF it ain't!!
It is utterly irresponsible of the medics to facilitate this lunacy.

The chances are both parents will be dead before the child leaves primary school (the father does not sound too clever already). It is criminal to introduce a child into the world in such circumstances. It all very well the parents being out of their minds. But the sawbones should know better.
India doesn't need a space programme or atomic weapons either.
They do these things to show the world how advanced they are while failing to invest in waste treatment and other fripperies.
Who in the Royal Family is this?

Camilla, she's about the right age ;o)
Why on earth would I want to impress a self made mini dictator.
That cupcake just can't give it a rest.
Poor kid's gonna be an orphan before he hits double figures.
It's twins! There are two of them, for goodness sake.
//It's twins! There are two of them, for goodness sake.//

Missed that. At least they'll have each other I guess.
Gratuitous medicine.
Nature stops women from bearing children because there is an age beyond which caring properly for a child is simply not possible - the vast majority of woman of, say, fifty-five or older is going to struggle with the demands of a baby, and certainly a lively toddler.

To go against nature in this way is simply not a good thing to do for all sorts of reasons, and I ponder the sense of doctors who facilitate a birth to a woman of this age.
But they had the rupees for the treatment and that’s all the clinics are concerned about.

II have to agree with Andy about nature puts a stop to childbearing when a woman gets too old. Just because the world says.... you can do whatever you want because it’s your choice.... doesn’t mean you should.
cassa - // Just because the world says.... you can do whatever you want because it’s your choice.... doesn’t mean you should. //

I always remember Jeff Goldblum's character saying that in the first Jurassic Park film, and he was right, as it turned out.
I haven't read all the posts but I wonder how much it cost .... or was it an experiment?

Whatever ..... poor kids.

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